lambess kill aura


Home Forums Survival Player Reports lambess kill aura

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #103247 Score: 0


    Your In-Game Name: BO2
    Who breaks the rule: Lambess (I think he is also jjpongo)
    Date of offense: april 11th 2015
    Reason of reporting: Hacks
    Game/Server: Survival
    More Details about his/her offense: Using hacks in their own town spawn. I also think this player is jjpongo because they are both in the same town, they both have been accused of hacks, and in the video it looks like he is controlling that player ‘lambness’ As soon as jjpongo reached lambness’ location, he goes afk and then lambess starts walking again and is un afk. Doesn’t that seem suspicous? Please do check if their accounts are linked together cause it seems highly suspicious that they are

    I just realized I didn’t record the part where jjpongo comes and controlls lambness, but I witnessed it right after if you can check to see if their accounts are the same.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  BlackOps2.
    #103250 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Oh, so now who’s the “noob” hm? 😉

    #103251 Score: 0


    don’t know xd

    #103256 Score: 0


    Yeah those ppl both has been accused of hacks a lot and i pvped them and yes they hack they also both have auto dissconnect

    #103257 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Dealt with, thanks for reporting.

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