Latest Prison Bug List


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #132851 Score: 0


    Prison Bug List as of 25 Nov
    1. Rank C Diamond is uncraftable
    2. K-L drugs do not work, they do not give the stated boost effects but just randomly explodes.
    3. All death messages no longer show, except for behading
    4. Several rank-tiered crafting for herbs and spices do not match the leaves in the wood mine. (For example Rank L herbs needs birch leaves instead of acacia leaves, which are found in Rank L woodmine.
    5. Players going invisible for an indefinite amount of time, armor is not also shown, and some players are currently abusing it.
    6. Chickens found everywhere, droping eggs which players use and propogate them to other places where thry cannot be harmed. This is a dangerous problem, in warp pvp as they can activate pressure plates and teleport the closest player into pvp arena or spawn without their intention.
    7. Using a pickaxe to dig the surface area of spawn by accident causes alot of computer lag to the player due to the loading of chunks and blocks below the player. Suggested to build a 2-layered floor to prevent computer lag and crashes to weak computers(not connection lag)
    8. Random Crackshot bugs where players have a chance to hook, backstab or pickpocket others even if they don’t use the specific crackshot.
    9. Chance to combat tag yourself with darts or mods that rebound back in non-pvp areas.
    10. Fire resistance and resistance buffs from god apples are clear by cures, although they are beneficial status effects.

    Thats all for the known bugs I face.
    Feel free to contact me or discuss about these glitches if their are any concerns or doubts.


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Timothy.
    #132853 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Sorry for my inactivity. We will get into them as soon as possible, probably at holiday. Please be patient and sorry for the inconvinience :)

    #132855 Score: 0


    Sure! The first step to shooting bugs is to identify them, I’ve been testing them from the time I joined Prison. All are not exploitable.

    #132856 Score: 0

    20 pts

    The reason for the lag at spawn is because when you update your view of the void (blocking or showing your view of it), minecraft lags.

    #132869 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Loading the chunks happens within the area, not by breaking a block to show stuff below you.
    When it comes to ‘Online’, Lag is most typically referred to as the delay between a client and a server; People don’t seem to know that, or they know it and don’t seem to keep it in their mind.
    I don’t see how you’d lag from seeing the void either, it’s not graphics intensive.
    Also, people shouldn’t be ‘accidentally’ breaking the blocks at spawn, if your computer gets 3FPS (for example) and that’s why you accidentally break something, you should get a better computer. (inb4 too expensive; They’re cheaper nowadays, saying they’re expensive is a dirty lie. If you want to play games and not complain, get better computer.)

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