lawrenceshane fail compilation


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Invader_swift 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #12225 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I was bored so i decided to do this. After all, saying stfu to lawrenceshane is a precious part of the server history and it shouldnt be fogotten.
    Congrats 1 year, EC!


    Reply To: Amy’s mod application
    vote up, real nice and sweet, never rages and spams, just behaves. And lawrenceshane u banned, your vote dont count, good or bad.
    Posted by Invader_swift


    Reply To: i can be a mod!!
    lawrenceshane, your vote does not count anymore as you are banned.
    Posted by shaman97


    Reply To: i can be a mod!!
    lawrence stop posting of the forum apps, since your vote doesnt count. and stop trying to be a moderator, when your not. People like you make me sick.
    Posted by Dircksterr


    Reply To: i can be a mod!!
    Oh, lol, also your banned :3
    Posted by lightning235


    Reply To: iKiLLAHZ’ Expert Moderator Application
    As for anonymous, I know who you are.. Lawrenceshane. It’s seems you are everywhere, and I’m trying to keep this on a down level, so I don’t come off harshly. Yes, I said ” nobody likes you, bye .” You, yourself could understand why I stated that. Your reply was ” WTF is ur problem noboy loves you either asshole + dude u want me banned from forums for the truth.” My opinion is my opinion, but with you acting like a forum moderator, nagging people for moderator app votes, shooting everyone’s mod app down, whining about how you got banned, then tragically saying goodbye to the server but yet dwelling on the forums as if you are speaking on behalf of the staff, you eventually pick up one or two haters, or even more along the way, and that kind of attitude is why I said that to you. I don’t like conniving people like you, and a lot of people dont either. So now you understand why that statement was said to you ?
    Sub sequential Proof (I said what I had too) :
    – [9/17/12 2:23:31 PM] Lawrenceshane HEY kila, Tell born to GET ME Unban?
    – [9/18/12 4:53:36 PM] | Austin A. | iKiLLAHZ | The Plat’s Diller |: nobody likes u you
    – [9/18/12 4:53:37 PM] | Austin A. | iKiLLAHZ | The Plat’s Diller |: bye
    – [9/19/12 3:20:31 PM] Lawrenceshane: WTF is ur problem noboy loves you ethir assholedude
    – [9/19/12 3:21:10 PM] Lawrenceshane: u want me banned from forums for the truth
    Posted by iKiLLAHZ


    Reply to: Lawrenceshane’s Ban Appeal
    You were banned for attempting to hack various accounts.
    Posted by shaman97


    Reply to: Lawrenceshane’s Ban Appeal
    Posted by Chibichuba


    Reply to: FareWell Guys
    never really cared much for you, but farewell and i hope you have fun at other servers
    Posted by Invader_swift


    Relpy to: Lawrenceshane 4 Mod
    vote down
    not even worth trying
    Posted by Anonymous

    Ten <- Its funny to see how everybody changed their votes afterwards.


    Reply to: Banned For Xraying iI thought It Was aAllowed
    Lawrenceshane Just Stay Out Of It
    Posted by HerrowKim AKA RaGe


    Reply to: I am Leaving EternalCracked -DaIndian
    @lawrenceshane Quote:daindian why dont u just lurer all ur enemies spam and x-ray and just get banned 4 being a bad personp
    Well dude, because he is not an idiot. If thats the behavior I can expect from you please remove your app for expertmod, I can tell you in advance you are not gonna get tested.
    Posted by Borncorp


    Reply to: Lightning235’s Application
    Oh and mods dont talk the same way lawrenceshane does, at least not in eternalcracked
    Posted by borncorp

    Fourteen One of many stfu lawrence replies in this topic:

    Reply to: Lightning235’s Application
    Lol Lawrence, everything you say turns out to be a lie. Your probably not even old enough to have a cell phone, not to mention not old enough to have a job. Unless your the most immature, retarded ass 25 year old on the planet. I mean seriously, I know kids with down syndrome that are smarter than you. You just keep talking, and talking, and talking, all your doing is making yourself look even more stupid. Please I am begging you, just dig a hole 6 feet deep and jump in it. You know what, I’ll even do you the favor of digging the hole for you. Just please, get off this planet, get off the internet, just go, its people like you that cause people to hate the world. I don’t care if you got 10 “vote ups” on some stupid page on a forum from people that don’t actually know you. For all anyone knows you just offered something in return for them giving you a vote up. No one could possibly like someone as stupid and immature as you are. Please just let your balls drop and learn to shut your mouth. It’ll be a real adrenaline rush, trust me.
    Posted by Dolphinboy

    #12227 Score: 0



    #12230 Score: 0

    1 pt

    ^ Exactly… LOL

    #19102 Score: 0


    HOLY CRAP! These were the best days of EC, indeed!

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