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This topic contains 20 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  ericxd88 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #64369 Score: 0


    Hi everyone,
    As you may know, I came back on EternalCracked months after my ban, this thinking that I would be able to stay on. Last time I quit was due to schoolwork, and that is why I am leaving again. It’s been a great 3 days on the server. In that time, I created a cactus farm. I would like that to stay under my ownership as it already is. I also created a town (Verduria). I would like for that to also stay under my ownership, as it already is, and let it fall. I really enjoyed the times on the server.


    #64385 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Goodbye shiv, been nice knowing you for more than a year.

    #64392 Score: 0


    Happy Trails man.

    #64393 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Sad to see you leave, but it’s better to focus on life than a game…
    I am proud to know I helped with that cactus farm…

    Goodbye, and good luck with life Shiv :\
    Come back when you can, kay? c:

    #64396 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Don’t leave, dude. Please, just try to make time, okay :P?!

    #64400 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I’ve spent half an hour to read each of the topics you made. All these posts have something magic, especially the ones in the last and final ban appeal that has been on during 4 loong months. If you write a book about this, it will be a best-seller, trust me. :)
    Also, learned a few things about all this. You can’t stay the same after reading over 100 replies, 95% of them about your various ban appeals. You semt pretty liked by.. Everybody. (Note: Never knew Rogue has been a CR mod o.o )
    I would’ve been certainly glad to play with you, howevery, I’ve joined 8 months after you, and 4 after you got banned for the first or second time. You can be proud of yourself, of your patience, etc. : It’s hard to get a third chance, these days. I wish you better future times than the ones you got here in the beginning, pratically all filled by ban periods. So, for now, goodbye. 😉

    ~Doctor Davis {DD}

    PS: To check: Zev’s lol-face on the following link: http://eternalcraft.com/forums/topic/unban-me/page/8/ 😛

    #64404 Score: 0


    Why let your town fall? And good luck with your studies.

    #64415 Score: 0


    Why do you have to leave us again shiv :'( Can you at least swing by sometimes?

    #64420 Score: 0


    Why do you have to leave…
    I was just getting to know you…
    Bye shiv, good luck on real life! 😉

    #64422 Score: 0


    Kevin77555, I don’t like living in the past! That’s why I’ve chosen to let it fall. Right now, I’m planning on joining again later in the summer (June, July, August). Lol, Dicedead, zev’s face was noticeable, wasn’t it? Maybe I’ll swing by sometimes, but that’s about it for at least 6 weeks. Also, as one last wish, I would like megaSeth020 and notreallyme to continue working on the cactus farm. This is not the end.

    -Long live,

    #64423 Score: 0


    And PirateBooty, guess you changed your mind about never unbanning wall of shame people? Lol, I just now read the posts on the aftermath of my unban.

    #64424 Score: 0


    Bender, I won’t be leaving permanently (that date is still to be determined). randomguy020, it felt great getting to know you too. You did very efficient work on my cactus farm! One favor. Don’t leave. I’ll be back later on, for a somewhat interim stay. Thanks for everything.

    #64425 Score: 0


    Shiv, there is no need to make three comments when you can put all 3 of the comments in one reply. I also want to help you with your town. If you don’t mind coming online this weekend. I want to give you 100k to keep your town up. (Just join the server this weekend) That’ll make your town last for 25 days. If you don’t mind to go online each 22 days I’ll give you 100k or if soon I get 400k all together i’ll give that to you.

    #64427 Score: 0


    All you know me for is doing work in your cactus farm 😛

    #64428 Score: 0


    That was the old me, you’re pretty cool now 😀

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

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