Leaving for real this time :( bye everyone


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This topic contains 26 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Nustimtymn 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #121161 Score: 0

    1 pt

    welp title says it i am actually quite bored with ec now and have literally nothing to do in it, and dont talk to me about survival and prison all those other stuff BECAUSE ec JUST FREAKS my internet up into pieces i cant go 2 blocks WITHOUT getting an intense delay so ive decided… ill miss all of you ec players and i might come back if things get better. i am also focusing on school this term so no amount of convincing and talk you can put to me, i still wont play, i am playing on premium servers only for like half an hour so im just wasting a bit of free time. enough of talking bye everyone and good luck in future :) this is a hard thing to do but i actually think the time has come… nope i will not be giving my stuff away so dont ask me for my stuff


    #121162 Score: 0


    I do agree that EC is sort of boring now
    I remember when EC had 250+/455
    Now i can barely see 100-150 players
    I could see lot of new topics everyday but now it’s not same.
    We had amazing mods with great teamwork,now it’s different.
    If only borncorp could be activ..Not asking for much
    3 hours per week?

    #121169 Score: 0


    Aww, another person leaving, oh well, everyone has to leave at some point, don’t we?

    About Ender’s point:

    Like the above two, I agree that EC got so boring now, its pointless to go to EC to waste our time now… (And my exams will keep me away from EC even more), its because, we have literally NOTHING to do there, all we do is to stare at the screen and do nothing, its just an awful experience chasing everyone out.

    As for the Internet, I wont comment on it, I have relatively good internet and causes no problems for me (aside from occasional inter-world warping).

    And yeah, everyone has been getting premium and migrating to premium servers, hence we are again losing members…

    And of course, we are all having school, getting promoted to more intensive levels, eating our time up even more, further losing even more members…

    About Trevish’s points:

    Again, the population drops… From my last seen ‘200’ some 2 years ago, it plummeted to the current low 20, highest peak is only 70-80…, Not even 100… (3 digits)

    2ndly, old players are not here anymore, only new players, and you know, its hard to adapt to new players, and obviously the experience wont be the same again.

    And again, forums is literally dead, like the server. There’s literally no activity, I am the only one there, trying to revive the forums e.e

    3rdly, Mods! Of course, compared to the old team, the new team is ‘awful’, as in, they are not up to the old standards, the bar has been dropping, and eventually hit and break the server…

    If the owner, born, could step up his activity, it might be useful, who knows?

    As from the webchat on the right, (below if you are on mobile), we discussed about the gloomy future of this server, and how ‘awful’ it became.

    If the situation does not improve, I may as well somehow get premium and leave the server to migrate to the better premium servers…

    As you can see, its a chain reaction, and there’s no way back, when the server becomes abandoned. Please, do something, to fix this damage. Just please, I am begging you on my knees now. Just please……………………

    P.S. Ender, I would be glad to keep in touch with you, either on forums/whatsapp/Skype.

    #121187 Score: 0

    1 pt

    ;ooo whatsapp send me ur number through skype c:

    #121189 Score: 0


    uhh, sure…

    Edit: Sent already.

    #121197 Score: 0


    Sad go see you leave. I also find ec boring. But I have to be active because my beloved DragoMeadow is here.

    I had moved on to premium servers since I got premium account

    #121199 Score: 0



    #121205 Score: 0


    Cya ender gl in scool

    #121208 Score: 0

    1 pt


    #121209 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I’ve had premium this whole time, yet i’ve been with EC for 3 years, i tried my best to revive EC by it was practically destroyed and i didn’t have time to rebuild..

    #121217 Score: 0


    Good bye Ender, you were a good friend and its sad to see you leave.. Good luck in your life! :)

    P.S. Sorry if I was annoying you in L mine (In prison server), like 2-3 months before.. Sorry! D:

    #121220 Score: 0

    1 pt

    It was a true pleasure playing and meeting you guys :) but i guess all good things come to an end… I dont mind being forgotten but i feel that i no longer belong here sad to say

    #121221 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Nuuh Ender D:

    Don’t go, I can give you some entertainment with my jokes if I see you.

    Oh you don’t like them? Well then, that’s sad, good luck with your future plans, tough! You were a great player, sad to see you leave too. :(

    #121222 Score: 0


    Everyone has been leaving this week, this results in me planning to leave at some point as well…

    P.S. I have purposefully put my 1700th reply here for obvious reasons…

    #121242 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Bye Endy D:

    I really hoped you could have made mod again :(

    Ps: may there be plenty of food ahead for you 😀

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