leighmah's ban apparel!?!


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal leighmah's ban apparel!?!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  zac9797 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6523 Score: 0


    EternalCracked Staff :

    Last time i filed for a ban appeal, Borncorp said “I was to learn my lesson, but now after my 24 hours i still have my current ban and he said i was to not get back on”. i could have just left silently, but i decided to keep going on and try and get out of it. This was a completely fair ban, but to go over the time that i was given im my opinion it is wrong.

    I was banned nearly 30 hours ago, The reason? I xray to find diamonds, which then i was killed to clear my inventory and then was banded for 24 hours, which now i look back at this it was completely fair, but then i continued to restart my wifi to get access to the server, and then i was finally name banded for 24 hours, then i made some server threats which obviously were fake but point is i made them towards the server.

    This ban appeal is basically like my little plea to become unbanned from EternalCracked. Ive been part of this community since about 1 and a half months ago, and scene then i have made good success in my previous town, and now created my own town called BluCell which is proudly supported by all my fiends from school i have invited to this server, and it is growing. I know ive hit tons of rough patches along the way, I really wanna come back on the server, I know i backstabbed you and I know that the revolution and that server could have caused harm to Eternal, and I know that i have insulted you guys based on my anger and feelings towards being banned from Eternal. Im being truthful here.. Im sorry for all the inconveniences i have caused in the past (prior and after i got banned). Even if im given another chance or not, ill reflect upon the bad decision i have made. I really want back in the community of Eternal, All my minecraft friends (spermanator, Bigrig98,OZTI THE ICEMAN,spudster, red_nut98,KILLAHZ and wade) want me back on. It really sucks being perm banned, its almost as if its an exile that will never end. Im the stupid idiot that did this to myself….. and yes this ban was completely fair and i learned from it…. I think its proper for me to just apologize in this ban appeal even if this dosent get accepted… because i know ive done some stupid and immature things on the server and after my time on the server…. It feels like this perm banned made me pay the price, and i thought its about time i try to ask for another ban appeal…

    I hope you can consider unbanning me and accepting this ban appeal, if not…. then i guess theirs no use ….


    #6524 Score: 0


    awh cute. xo

    #6525 Score: 0


    Appeal Denied


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  zac9797.
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