Less strict rule?


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Zupers 12 years ago.

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  • #16522 Score: 0


    Okay, I know some people can chat spam without this but the rule, if you type a full sentence in caps you get a warning and the message “cool down or your gonna get kicked” or something. Why is this so strict? Could we make it so there has to be three posts before this message says cool down or have an plugin for an automatic mute system if they continue to Spam the chat after they’ve been kicked, and if they’ve spammed three more times after their mute they could be banned?

    Seems fair, but it is strict because somebody may be excited and type in caps.


    #16526 Score: 0

    1 pt

    The reason we have a strict limit on caps, is because it irritates other players. Spamguard is put in action to stop people from repeating the same messages or writing in caps constantly.

    Spamguard provides a great service to players, by protecting the chat channels on the server.

    Players should abide by server communication rules. Again, these rules are put in place to help members have a better experience on the server.


    #16531 Score: 0


    I do acknowledge what you are saying Zupers, but could they be allowed to message somebody in caps atleast, but not say it?

    And then that person who has been messaged could have the option of doing a command called /ignore, ignoring them for 60 minutes. This includes there messages and what they say in the normal chat.


    #16533 Score: 0

    1 pt

    If players are found using excessive caps, in any of our servers, they will be warned and if they continue, muted. It would be wise to just stick with normal text and not typing everything in caps, because its unnecessary.


    #16535 Score: 0


    Thanks Zupers. If a mod could close this thread to replies because that answered by suggestion.


    #16537 Score: 0

    1 pt



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