Let's do something that people for for EC


Home Forums Survival General discussion Let's do something that people for for EC

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  JayWillowz123 10 years, 10 months ago.

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Author
  • #66092 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Hi all + borncorp
    You can make an reward between 1000 – 4000 + bread if people vote for server . then people will vote more for server and server will be known and more people will join server :) .
    Please do it for server + EC-Players .
    Thank you all and specially borncorp :)
    I love you all

    #66101 Score: 0

    1 pt

    We already have that…
    If you vote for the server you get a 3k reward, but I think you have to be in-game for that to work. 😉

    #66109 Score: 0


    I like that idea

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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