Lightning235's Error Report


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Lightning235's Error Report

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  P_Bag9 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8796 Score: 0


    Hello. My name is Justin Graham and I noticed and error on the Tekkit EternalCracked Server. One day ( today ( 11/10/12 )), I was greatly excited that I made 5 SETS OF NANO ARMOR! Then, I went to my MFE to charge it ALL. 20 minutes later past and I was on the last boot to the last set of Nano Armor. Then, all of a sudden, I went to check on the MFE to see how the boots were doing, then, I observed depressingly, that ALL my 5 sets of nano armor WAS GONE, all down the drain, poof, BOOM, erased…. I am really depressed and frightened because it took me FOREVER to craft those sets of nano armor and I am wondering if you could do something, idk what, just something and grant me my armor back that I should have. This error occured at, somewhere arround 12:00 A.M. The reason I told you that was in case you had this certain plugin that you can see EVERYTHING that happens on the server at a certain time, so if  I gave you the time, you’ll be able to see that I lost it. Also, bnger, my used-to-be enemy, now my friend, was a witness and he saw it happened to! He didn’t “technically” see it, but he saw me get mad and he knew I lost it because the MFE starting glitching out and the item in it started disappearing and reappearing. So please, if you can, get me back all my armor, I would highly appreciate it if you did.
    Also, if you sneezed while reading this, god bless you!!!

    #9458 Score: 0


    Something similar has happend to me.  I live in lighnings town and i was making my nano suit armour and i had finished charging it.  I put it on and logged off.  Onced i had logged back on my suit was gone!


    #9461 Score: 0


    So is there a glitch with just the nano or is other items too?

    #9472 Score: 0


    I think it is other items too. The glitch may or may not have been removed, I don’t know, I have gotten banned. Dw bout it though.

    #9473 Score: 0


    I was on when you were banned but you were not!!


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