Lightning235's IP-Unban Application


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Lightning235's IP-Unban Application

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Garnachos 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #11795 Score: 0


    Hi, my name is Justin Graham, also known as lightning235 and/or lightning234. A numerous amount of people know me, I’ve been told I’ve brought a bunch of humor in the Tekkit server. Well, today, I am making this unban application. I don’t really understand why, well I do. But it’s kinda a silly reason:

    Ok, here is the WHOLE long to shortish story:



    It was a dark night with a cool breeze in the Tekkit EternalCracked Server. I, Justin Graham, A.K.A. lightning235/lightning234, was playing HungerGames with my friends, Catch, Nhu, Gar and other people I don’t really know… So we played like 3 or 4 rounds and we kept going. Then, when I joined one game, the timer went down.
    “20 seconds remaining.”
    All the way to “Let The Games Begin.”

    Then all the people bulleted off to the chests. I had gotten no useful items. Just food and bullets. Then I got 1 bronze chestplate and I put it on. But as I was putting it on, Nhu12 killed me and I got teleported  back to the Hunger Games spawn. But, I saw something has altered in my inventory from the last time I won and got teleported back to the Hunger Games spawn/died and I got teleported to Hunger Games spawn. There were chestplates hearts, you know, when you have armor on, you see like Chest plate hearts at the bottom left/middle of your screen, above your slots and above your health. Anyways, I saw chest plate hearts and so I pressed my inventory key ( I ) and I saw I still had the bronze chest with me. So I thought it was my duty to report it to the head mod/guardian mod/mod. Then I reported it and he /ci’d ( clear inventory ) and I lost everything in my inventory. Then I told whoever cleared my inventory,
    “No! You didn’t have to clear all my inventory. You could’ve just taken the bronze chest plate out and thrown it into lava/fire! All my items I had that wasn’t from the glitch is gone!”
    The Hunger Games was still going though and GARNACHAS59 ( Gar ( Guardian Mod )) said,
    “Lightning, I’ll make you a deal after this ( meaning after the Hunger Games round )”
    So then I patiently waited for the round to end and he messaged me privately,
    “What did you lose”
    And you know me and Gar, we usually always good around with each other and I said,
    “I lost 50 stacks of diamond blocks, 100 stacks of other stuff, and 500 stacks of illegal items”
    Then he replied back,
    “Don’t lie or you won’t get anything back.”
    So I guess he wasn’t in a ‘joking’ mood which I highly understand because mods are always busy and I am just making him more busy by lying to him.. So I just replied back,
    “Ok, I was joking… but what I did lose was something very important, my… my… stone pickaxe. Her name was Shelly and she was very important to me….”
    Then I got banned and the ban message was,
    “Having Illegal Items. Appeal at the Forums.
    And I was like, whaaaaaatttttt theeeee….. I was just joking and stuff. Is it even possible to have illegal items? If you try to craft an illegal item like covalence dust or something like that,  and you click it to get it and drop it into your inventory, you get kicked and it gives you like an error message…  Welp, that’s it for my unban application, I highly help that you understand that I was joking and you can forgive and forget me for my un-aloud and terrible behavior by IP-unbanning me so I can get back playing the EternalCracked Tekkit server and help the people in my town who needs plots because, well, what’s the point of joining a town if you don’t have a place you can live in and build on ( pretty much the definition of the word: plot )? Well, as they say in spanish: Adiós, espero poder obtener IP-unbanned. ( Used for the translating part )

    ( This IP-Unban Application, by lightning235, has 679 words, not including this sentence your reading right now )

    #11796 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Interesting… My god pick is called Bob.. We should make bob and shelly meet…

    #11797 Score: 0


    I wish I could… but since my inventory got cleared, and if you read the title of this post I made, you would know that I am banned and my pickaxe got removed when my inventory did… Also, my pick was shy and she didn’t have any enchantments ( meaning she is still young and since yours is a god pick, yours is REALLY old  xD jk )

    #11812 Score: 0


    Admitting = pleading guilty 

    #11823 Score: 0


    Uuuhm were there xpert mods on or other mods?? They couldave saw the msg and ban u :/

    #11825 Score: 0




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