Lightning235's Unban Application


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Lightning235's Unban Application

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  lightning235 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8878 Score: 0


    Dear everyone who is reading this,
    My name is Justin Graham ( a.k.a. lightning235 ) and I am making this application to try and get myself un-banned from the Tekkit EternalCracked MineCraft 1.2.5 Server.
    Well, I had a “hack client” on, I admit that, but just because I have a “hack client” does not mean I should be banned immediately. OK, so here is all the information you need to know in order to see my point on why I should be unbanned from the Tekkit EternalCracked Server: My brother put the “hack client” on and I do not know how to remove it. I am sorry Chib for lying to you, I just didn’t want to put 100 words explaining why my brother got it, why I didn’t contact you immediately, if I used it and other stuff.I know I shouldn’t have lied to you and it is wrong, but still… I apologize if I am sounding a bit rude, don’t mean to be…  Sorry if I am. Anyways, people keep on telling me to “Force Update” my Tekkit, but there is no “Force Update” button on the home screen ( when you first open up the Technic Launcher Latest .jar ), so the first time when I tried to “Force Update” it, it made my WHOLE Tekkit crash and I could  not connect to ANY Tekkit Servers, it stated that I need this certain thing, I forgot what it was called, so I had to just put the hack back on in order for my Tekkit to work, I know that is not the smartest idea, but I already tried contacting people and they never replied to me, I tried to FORCE my brother to, but he is younger than me and my parents won’t believe me if I tell them the truth and that I tell them that I want them to make my brother remove the hack. He just “acts” like he doesn’t know what I am talking about and he just says he was outside the whole day ( parents are at work when it happened ).I greatly hope you believe me. I am truly sorry if you don’t trust me for I am telling only nothing BUT the truth, I kinda understand why you won’t believe/trust me… but I didn’t really do anything wrong this time besides tell Chib a little lie to save a numerous amount of minutes, as I have done a few little “illegal” things in the past in the regular MineCraft EternalCracked… But then I “changed” as I states, and I stopped doing everything that wasn’t aloud ( Hacking, Luring, PvP Logging etc. ) and I started to appreciate what I had because you don’t know what you got until you lose it… I should know..
    Sincerely, Justin Graham.
    P.S. This application has 470 words.

    #8881 Score: 0


    Dude you are a LIAR you said you contacted people and they didnt help, ME,SHAMAN,NHU and a few others helped YOU trying to solve the problem, then you just leave the  chat? what more can we do?

    #8883 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Lightning,you should not be un-banned because you lied to a head mod!and 4 moderators tried to help you and you were stubborn and kept the hack!

    All this info shows that you were lying

    #8884 Score: 0


    I am terribly sorry, I must have not worded it in the right way. I shall reword it again. I had the hack and I was trying to remove it but that just made it worst, now I asked people to help me and they did and I have fixed it. I know I should’ve asked someone else to help me, but I just got inpatient and all this stuff happened… It was really confusing…

    #8885 Score: 0


    Original Hack Client Evidence:

    I can put a thousand words JUST to get my stuff back. If worse comes to worse and that is what I have to do, I will type 1000+ words!!! I used to do that for a living ( 2 weeks ) and earned like $35 :3 but I will right 1000 words if I have to.

    Anyways, here is the picture(s):
    Sorry that it has white squares everywhere, I don’t know why in the world it has that… I just uploaded it and it did that. Also, this is one of the picture of my MFSE being disappeared.


    1. Random white squares on every picture. One thing all the pictures have in common is that they are all blocked in the top left corner. Clever, but that won’t work. You hid the fact you had a hacked client and denied it when I first noticed this and asked about it.

    2. Also, the time stamp of your screenshot from in-game shows it was taken today. The spot where your block used to be is still dirt, not yet grass. That means it has been recently removed. You first reported the MFSE being lost yesterday, and grass takes approximately 1-5 minutes to grow over a dirt block.

    3. We had majority vote from the mods, and it was multiple cases from even when you first joined the server.

    This is my rebuttal to unbanning lightning235 from Tekkit-EternalCracked.


    – Chibichuba

    #8886 Score: 0


    1. I already explained why I did that in my application.

    2. It is grass because when I went back there to use my Electric Furnace, I saw it was grass. I have more than one machines.

    3. I said I changed and I never did anything “illegal” to harm the server in any ways.

    #8892 Score: 0


    I’m going to miss u lightNing u where a good pvp parter idk that u did that stuff cya!

    #8904 Score: 0


    the grass really, chib. lawl, anyway, why u do this lightning?

    #8932 Score: 0


    I apologize for my mistakes I made if any… I am a type of guy who likes to save time… This was my first illegal thing that I did to harm server… It should just be a permanent ban for 2 weeks. That is a good approximation of time I should be banned for in my opinion…

    #9061 Score: 0


    Lightning, you abused your hack client to pvp people, you were hitting me from behind a wall, and from about ~5 blocks away.  If you are that ashamed about your hack client, just dont use anything on it.  Take a screenshot and do not modify it, just show what is seen by you, don’t use the hack client.  Just because you are losing a battle in pvp doesn’t mean you hit the kill shield button and sit around and win the battle with hacks.  You might possibly be unbanned, POSSIBLY if you come completely clean, about using the client and about the pvp and MFSU.  Being honest gets you WAAAAAY farther than lying, you may say “I have no hack client” and cover your hack proof or whatever with white squares, but sooner or later someone will suspect something.  You might be unbanned, and I can tell you how to rid of your client.  1. Open the Tekkit launcher  2. Click options  3. click “clear cache”  4. Run the game, and bingo, all unwanted things cleared.  The “Clear Cache” is like the tekkits force update.  If you get another chance, remove the client and pvp right, ok?

    #9063 Score: 0


    Those white bits don’t appear by themselves, looking at the pics made me Lol. Nice catch @Chibichuba.

    #9064 Score: 0


    As I said, trying to hide stuff by pourly made excuses and trying to hide ANYTHING from mods is like standing in front of a camera and punching it, you will get called out!


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by  Orrion.
    #9131 Score: 0


    WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA. Listen up Orrion and listen up well. I don’t want to sound rude or anything and I KNOW this is MY application, but you should be the one banned. You were using ALL sorts of hacks. And the HILARIOUS part was that we went to PvP and you turned this hack on to where I can’t hit you, but somehow you can kill me AND YOU WEREN’T EVEN MOVING!!! But then, I explained: I am recording for the mods btw. Then, you started moving and I could hit you again. Suspicious, right ?? I am completely clean right now and as I told you guys before, it should just be a permanent ban for ~ ( approximately ) 2 weeks – ( to ) a month for lying and not asking someone straight away on how to remove it. I did FINALLY remove it with Nhu’s assistant of sending me her modpack.jar and I replaced it w/ mine.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by  lightning235.
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