“How would we give this to players?”
I got this idea while playing in another server – Everytime you vote for the server, you get 24 hours of World Edit
“Okay Rogue, we heard how you got this, so how are you gunna make it so that the players don’t destroy worlds?”
This is the link to the plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/limitedworldedit/
“How does it work Rogue?”
Basically, it only operates in set areas, so a player can’t just do //pos1 -100000 or something. The player can only do this in the area with their perms, and can be configured to a max of let’s say, 500 blocks per WE.
I hope you guys enjoy this idea, and can hopefully use WE to build on creative in the future.
*Disclaimer* Only works for cube structures at the moment
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