LimitedWE on Creative


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #73583 Score: 0

    16 pts

    “How would we give this to players?”

    I got this idea while playing in another server – Everytime you vote for the server, you get 24 hours of World Edit

    “Okay Rogue, we heard how you got this, so how are you gunna make it so that the players don’t destroy worlds?”

    This is the link to the plugin:

    “How does it work Rogue?”

    Basically, it only operates in set areas, so a player can’t just do //pos1 -100000 or something. The player can only do this in the area with their perms, and can be configured to a max of let’s say, 500 blocks per WE.

    I hope you guys enjoy this idea, and can hopefully use WE to build on creative in the future.

    *Disclaimer* Only works for cube structures at the moment

    #73599 Score: 0


    That’s a great idea rogue. We will consider it. Thanks for the suggestion :)

    #73600 Score: 0


    Not a bad idea but 24 hours is too long

    #73602 Score: 0


    I like this idea.

    #73611 Score: 0


    Seems like a good idea.

    #76958 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Suggested this and many more in another topic a few months ago, tho almost no one saw it. It will be really nice to have that. A lot of new players won’t leave right away because there’s no WE. I really hope more people gonna see this!

    ~Drums and Dices {DD}

    #76969 Score: 0

    16 pts

    The 24-hour vote thing is to get that WE as a reward for voting on our server. It takes 24 hours to regenerate, so it might as well be 24 hours :D.

    #76980 Score: 0


    Well, I agree with rogue’s idea. There is one more thing I would like to ask. I have played creative on many other servers and in contrast to ec, their CR is always full. This is due to: Everyone owns a 32×32 plot by default and have a limit of 5 plots. Only TNT is banned and players can PvP in gamemode 0. No donor items. So if these reforms are brought to ec, I m pretty sure it will be full most of the time.

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