List of all expired warps


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report List of all expired warps

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  xxTheLoneWolfxx 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #111489 Score: 0


    ./warp ADCKmart
    (was told it was for public farms however still think it should be removed due to expiring)
    ./warp Anteiku
    ./warp ender
    ./warp 6
    ./warp wither
    ./warp moomart
    ./warp probroshop
    ./warp slickshop
    ./warp [Rare
    (yes there is a [ in-front of the rare)
    ./warp cshop
    ./warp home
    ./warp kevs
    ./warp ma
    ./warp nether_s1
    ./warp nether_s2
    ./warp nether_s3
    ./warp nether_s4
    ./warp party
    ./warp rainbow
    (the warp creator is still donor however the owner of the shop hasnt been on for months)
    ./warp water
    ./warp watch

    All of these are broken warps and should be removed as quickly as possible

    #111496 Score: 0

    14 pts

    THe nether ones were set by skills641 for some experiment. But i guess it was never finished.

    The warp wither is an event o.o Not owned by me. That should stay.

    Tom’s warp should be removed too 😛

    #111501 Score: 0


    ./warp wither leads to the wild, its no longer functioning

    #111513 Score: 0

    41 pts

    [Rare shop and Rainbow kept for now, will remove if they don’t resume getting used.
    Otherwise, all the other inactive/unnecessary warps were removed.
    Thank you.

    #111684 Score: 0


    anytime 😛

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