Listen guys -_-


Home Forums Survival General discussion Listen guys -_-

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67702 Score: 0


    I am not ‘stealing’ your ideas. i just want to know the plugins. there is no crime in that. If i was stealing your server, then i wouldn’t ask just 2 things. Anyway my server is for PERSONAL USE. Im not planning to make it into what EC already is. Also i told you my server is GTA style. Not Towny or factions or anything like that. I have guns, cars, planes on mine. Do you? No. Anyway I just wanted to know 2 plugins. It is just Mob arena and the /lock plugin.


    ps: if you think this is ‘stealing’ your server, please think again and NOT close the topic.

    #67703 Score: 0


    We know that there are a lot of people who want to know what the plugins are that ec uses because they’re curious or they want it for their own personal private server to experiment around with or play with. Trust me, I was also curious when i first came on ec. The problem is that there are now so many servers that are similar to ec or have copied ec that we cannot just trust anyone with the plugins list anymore. I personally don’t think you’re stealing/copying EC, but its a matter of better safe than sorry.

    #67707 Score: 0


    Well.. Maybe you really use it for personal things like what you mentioned above. But this is a public forum where everyone can see it. So.. not only you will know, but also some random people that might want to copy EC. So, sorry but we won’t risk giving our plugin name to a member.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  FuriousKnight.
    #67712 Score: 0


    No. You will not know the plugins this server uses. Even if you claim its just for personal use.

    Topic Closed.

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