Lost all my stuff


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Lost all my stuff

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  zica 12 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #2869 Score: 0


    Hi! I lost al my stuff when the server randomly shut down yesterday. I had diamond armor and tools with the highest lv…And i want them back.

    #2885 Score: 0

    Before the server restarts it states that you should log out 1 minute earlier otherwise you will you lose your inventory.


    #2912 Score: 0


    Um, he said that it RANDOMLY shut down

    #2913 Score: 0


    I had the same issue too! Except it was when I left the Hunger Games. THIS HAS HAPPENED TWICE NOW! Please can someone help me 2. I’ve lost TWO inventories!

    #2914 Score: 0


    Same with me. I lost my inv 2 times from hungergames random shutdowns. I personally gave up trying to get my stuff back and just deal with it whenever my stuff is lost.

    #2919 Score: 0


    i lost my stuff too when i fell in the voin cuz the chunk wasnt loaded and when ith brought me back on the surface i took falldamage.

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