Lucky Blockz Glitch Report – Factions


Home Forums Factions Reports / Bugs / Glitches Lucky Blockz Glitch Report – Factions

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #115611 Score: 0


    Basically what happened was that as you know luckyblockz are basically skeleton skulls (in which it is a head), so what I decided to do was place a random head on a wall to showcase it but I wanted to put it somewhere else. I broke it and random silver fish and slimes popped out of the 2 heads I broke, so I tested it out with some more heads and apparently it acts just like luckyblockz. It shows that there is a glitch with the luckyblockz since you can access luckyblockz using random heads. Please do not abuse this glitch and if you want proof im currently uploading a youtube video.

    Link :

    If you can not go to the youtube link with the proof, either try breaking any normal head or tell me to fix it if you do not want to waste a perfect head. Thanks for your support and please try to fix the glitch!

    #115612 Score: 0


    I think all the heads are actulally locky blocks? xD

    #115619 Score: 0


    What k_forken said, ALL heads (not just skele heads) are lucky blocks, since they have the same data value…

    #115622 Score: 0

    7 pts

    All heads are lucky blocks. The reason is to have an easily obtained item that most people don’t really use for anything to be a lucky block.

    #115661 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Lol rip

    #115662 Score: 0

    13 pts

    If you want to remove it there are many ways to do so:

    -Place water(or lava, although not recommended) above the head to turn it into a drop item

    -Place a piston facing the head(luckyblock) and place a lever next to the piston and activate it. Make sure there is no blocks opposite the piston other than the head(luckyblock)

    -Place a tnt 2 blocks away from the head and ignite the TNT.
    OPTIONAL: Run, use creepers or wither bosses instead of TNT
    WARNING: make sure the location you are blowing up is not a 1 block platform because the dropped item could fall.

    This is not all the possible ways since some ways are still unknown, experiment yourself :)

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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