MA Boss Bug


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report MA Boss Bug

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  15spike 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #71427 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I have found a bug on MA Boss.

    There is a vanilla property on Wave 17, which I believe is the ghast boss that makes it EXTREMELY easy to kill.

    If a player deflects a fireball, the fireball does not just do enough damage to kill the ghast, it does a whopping ONE THOUSAND damage to the ghast. This makes it so that if I were to deflect two of those with a melee class, the ghast will die almost immediately.

    #71433 Score: 0


    Hmm seems interesting. Good Job for reporting. 😀

    #71487 Score: 0


    Wow! Honestly, even though I haven’t ever made it past Wave 7 :'( , the players (non Donors) really deserve that kill, but then again it must reward you with a crapload of money

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