MA Boss Class Suggestion


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #59009 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Making a thread for you guys to think of a class idea for MA Boss arena. I am doing this so you guys can think of an idea that you would like to see in the arena. Sure, I can think of many MA Boss only classes, but I’ll give you guys a chance.

    – Make a class for non donor only and/or donor only
    – Make stats, abilities, gear, and weapons (you’ve seen how accurate I can be, so I’ll try my best to make it exactly)
    – Make sure that it is balanced with the other classes, and not God Mode undefeated
    – you can post feedback on other people who made a class idea, but you have to make a class idea to post on this thread or the comment will be removed

    Side Note:
    – This is for Boss Arena (only). They will not be in MA1 and/or MA2
    – After you guys put in your ideas, I will make a 2nd thread on voting for the best non donor and donor class for Boss arena, and I’ll add to it

    #59015 Score: 0


    I made these cause of boredom. :3
    All of the below are non-donor classes. I do think the need adjustments.

    Sharpness 2 Diamond axe, chain armor, 5 god apples,

    Speed potions, leather armor, 10 golden apples, diamond sword with smite

    5 potion of harming, leather armor, horse, sharpness 3 iron hoe

    Knockback and lure fishing rod, sharpness 4/5 fish, 3 god apples, 2 golden apples, iron armor

    Vogid (Void)
    Purple protection 3 leather armor, 20 TNT, flint and steel, sharpness 1 diamond sword, 5 god apples

    Power 5 bow, Knockback 1 Bane of Arth 1 bread, pro 2 leather armor, 5 god apples, 3 healing potions

    Air element stick, 32 healing potions, chain armor, 3 wolf eggs, 1 horse

    No armor, 10 speed potions, sharpness 2 iron sword, 3 god apples

    Pro 4 Golden armor, 1 god apple, diamond sword with smite, speed potion

    Iron helmet leather armor, 2 iron swords (sharpness 1 and Knockback 2), 8 golden apples, 2 wolf eggs

    Snowball stick, dyed blue leather, sharpness 5 smite 1 lapis, 5 god apples

    10 wolf eggs, sharpness 2 stone sword, 5 god apples, iron armor

    #59020 Score: 0


    1 non donr class- werewolf zombie head with pro 1 and rest diamobd armour pro 1 shapr 1 dia sword a horse and2 god apples

    5 donor classes-pvper: pro 4 unbr3 set god sword god bow 3 god apples 4 stacked str2 potions 2 reen for 2 minutes amd lastly20 healing and damage pots. (Splash) 2.blaze : blazerod of fire element 2 god apples iron armur with pro 2 and a book on how to use (:
    3. Healer 10 stacks of healing pots reg dia armiur and a diamond sword with shatp 5.

    #59022 Score: 0


    4. Destroyer- god sword 5 str2 5 regen ext 10 healing pots 4 god apples and pro 2 diamond armiur

    5. Alien – pro 4 set god sword and a blazerod thay shootsdamage pots lile the elements and 1 god apple and a stack of healing pots.

    #59047 Score: 0


    Class (donor only, for Ma Boss)
    Name: Kevin77555
    -pro 4 unbreaking 3 diamond armor,
    -sharp 5 fireaspect 2 knockback 2 and unbreaking 3 diamond sword.
    -Power 5 flame 1 infinity 1 unbreaking 3 bow
    -5 god apples
    -3 gold apples
    -stack of splash healing 2 potions (for yourself or others)
    -1 dog

    (Hope this isn’t too op I think this is right in line with the Skills class)

    #59051 Score: 0


    Kevin that is way too op…Erm,anyways i got a suggestion: (non-donor and donor)
    Name:Shadow Lord
    -30 or maybe 40 hearts
    -full iron armor (pro2)
    -a wooden pickaxe with sharpness 5 and knockback 2
    -slowness 2
    The only problem is that the effects might glitch out. It is kinda balanced because there aren’t that many bosses that rely on meelee attacks and having more health is really good. Also,the knockback will make it hard to hit the enemy.

    #59755 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Thanks for the suggestions, but it’s not creative enough :(

    Anyways, I’ll just make my idea for a MA Boss class, the non donor is secret, but I’ll post the donor one.

    Class: Mech
    – Power Punch(with explosion and knockback effects)
    – Anti-LavaBomb Forcefield(resistance 5 with blindness)
    – Power Jump (Jumps really high)
    – Turret Mode(slowness X with Minigun)
    – Grappling hook ( bring what can’t be reached towards you)
    – AirStrike (need air support?)
    – Medic Center ( heal your allies )
    – Bio-shot ( Wither XX )
    – Grenade Launcher (Default weapon that shoots explosions)
    – Service Manual (Guide)
    – Warranty (because you have to be insured when driving)
    – Metal Plating Set
    – Self-destruction(body plate: Kills self, and anything it hits(sacrificing item for the team)

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