MA Glitch


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report MA Glitch

This topic contains 29 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  fastyfoxy 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #31222 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I stole a minecart when I ride it, I died cause of zombie pigmans. Then I’m still in the Arena and visible by mobs.

    At the picture, there is: maxminoS was slain by a zombie pigman
    And Im also still in the minecart.

    Hope this glitch gets fixed soon.

    #31362 Score: 0


    maxminoS, to tell the truth, all you do as a Trial-Moderator is play ma the whole day!!! I even ask you some stuff and you ignore me. Is that what you’re supposed to do as a trial mod? I never saw you help once, nobody. If so then why did you want to get Trial? Playing ma the whole day without helping? The Trial mod rank isn’t just a tag and new commands!
    You got that rank for helping! I’m recommended by 2 mods and 3 members, but I still haven’t got the rank, and I’m working hard for it. But you got it and you act like its nothing!

    Don’t wanna start a post war, just wanted to point that out.

    #31476 Score: 0

    13 pts

    He helps people that needs help when he is available. When nobody needs help he relax at Mob arena while he monitors the Chat. When someone ask him for help he quickly get to it. And also you haven’t registered for a whole month to give him a chance.

    #31486 Score: 0


    Monitors the chat? Then why does he ignore me when I ask for help like 4 times?

    And really? Relaxing the whole day? Well go on to another server like the minigames one and see what’s going on over there?

    And from what I’ve seen, he never helped anyone.

    #31488 Score: 0


    Max is actually very good. You never seen the better of him yet foxy. 😉

    #31493 Score: 0


    That’s why I said “from what I’ve seen” 😛

    #31496 Score: 0

    7 pts

    You asked once, I answered. You ask something that is pretty related with the first one three times, I ignore.

    “And really? Relaxing the whole day? Well go on to another server like the minigames one and see what’s going on over there?”

    I actually want to try the new Mob Arena, I never actually play it before much.

    ” he never helped anyone”

    I typed faster than anyone when they need command helps or other assistance.

    “Monitors the chat? Then why does he ignore me when I ask for help like 4 times?”

    I see what you asked, but by the way I see it. I’m always busy helping anyone since I became a Mod and never had “real” fun of my own in Minecraft. So I decided to play Mob Arena.

    “Max is actually very good. You never seen the better of him yet foxy.”

    Thanks for the compliment zev 😀

    This topic is about the glitch in MA, not about me being a good mod or not.

    #31502 Score: 0


    Play the new ma? Seriously? You’re not supposed to play all the time as a mod. It says that. It says that as a mod you should always help, not play. This topic has nobody replying and also I said ‘just wanted to point that out’.

    I said that cause I knew this would happen.
    And I was supposed to spam you. But I didn’t.

    #31504 Score: 0


    Advertisement: This is my 404th reply so…

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    Rest of the reply not found

    #31506 Score: 0


    hehe :3

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by  fastyfoxy.
    #31510 Score: 0


    Question how can you see the messages that people message and the commands they enter?

    – EmperorChinoe

    #31511 Score: 0


    Oh noes! You found out the mods secrit ability :O
    They gun ban u now biggums.

    #31512 Score: 0


    There is this plugin thing called socialspy, with it you can see someone typing (ex.)/msg fastyfoxy blahblahblah

    The owner can modify who he wants to be able to toggle it on/off (Using /socialspy)

    You can see the commands ppl type in using a plugin that I don’t remember its name (I think commandlog) anyway the owner can see all the player’s commands they type in. Hope that helped ^^

    If you have any more questions feel free to ask me :3


    #31513 Score: 0


    #31514 Score: 0



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