MA Glitch


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report MA Glitch

This topic contains 29 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  fastyfoxy 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #31515 Score: 0


    What if…

    #31516 Score: 0


    Ah. Delightful my good sir.
    What piece is that?
    Oh, Allegro canon in F major?
    Yes indeed.
    Jolly well.
    What year is it?
    Ah. So The World War is over eh?
    Yes indeed.
    Hopefully there won’t be another world war.
    Yes indeed.
    I do believe you want some tea
    Please. Sugar too if you may.
    This chat is 100% posh.

    #31517 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Aight, fastyfoxy take it easy. Insulting a current mod and pointing out that he doesn’t help you won’t get you your rank up. Nor does being suggested by someone. No no stop. Don’t tell me you’re not doing that to get promoted, because you are. If you weren’t you would have discussed it with him privatly without making a big scene. If he has some time for himself and couldn’t reply to you it’s ok, I get the feeling. Anyways second of all max, if the minecart isnt the cause, I believe this might be the mob arena boss. I see he used root target, so if you were it’s target it would get you in the arena, you wont get damage or anything though. Thanks for reporting anyways 😀

    #31518 Score: 0


    #31519 Score: 0



    #31520 Score: 0


    #31521 Score: 0

    1 pt

    stop posting useless images would you, you’re filling the whole forums with crap. and I’m serious..

    #31658 Score: 0


    “Aight, fastyfoxy take it easy. Insulting a current mod and pointing out that he doesn’t help you won’t get you your rank up. Nor does being suggested by someone. No no stop. Don’t tell me you’re not doing that to get promoted, because you are. If you weren’t you would have discussed it with him privatly without making a big scene. If he has some time for himself and couldn’t reply to you it’s ok, I get the feeling.”

    Woah woah calm it down. That conversation was long gone.
    Anyways, that wasn’t insulting don’t make things seem bigger than they are. He seriously wasn’t helping me. You weren’t even there when it happened please. -.-
    Suggestions do help .-. You didn’t read the Mod Rank thing well didn’t you. Now how the hell do you think I’ll get promoted for saying another mod doesn’t help? Alright I have no idea what’s going on in your head when typing this o_O
    And last but not least I goddamn said “DONT WANNA START A POST WAR JUST WANTED TO POINT THAT OUT.” Why do ppl not read the whole post before posting -_- Big Scene? Wow. You make things seem so huge good sir.

    P.S privately*

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by  fastyfoxy. Reason: Cause Auto-Correct Sucks
    #31659 Score: 0


    Friggin Auto-Correct changed good to food .-. Srsly?

    #31663 Score: 0

    7 pts

    ” all you do as a Trial-Moderator is play ma the whole day!!!”
    ” I even ask you some stuff and you ignore me.”
    “Is that what you’re supposed to do as a trial mod? ”
    “I never saw you help once, nobody. ”
    “If so then why did you want to get Trial? ”
    “Playing ma the whole day without helping?”
    ” The Trial mod rank isn’t just a tag and new commands!”

    Woah, are you sure those are not insulting? Those are really offensive sentences.

    “You got that rank for helping! I’m recommended by 2 mods and 3 members, but I still haven’t got the rank, and I’m working hard for it. But you got it and you act like its nothing!”

    Complimenting yourself in a different kind of topic post?

    It was hard getting glitches in a server that most of the glitches are fixed. And now it’s just a post full of pictures and stuffs except for deasertman’s post.

    #31664 Score: 0



    #31665 Score: 0


    Yup. Its not offensive. If I were you then I wouldn’t be offended.
    And again, that topic was long gone.

    And nobody ever posted on this post anyways!
    Lol, blaming me for making you’re topic full of posts?
    Well I’m not getting into more wars. Sorry for annoying you. I JUST WANTED TO POINT THAT OUUUUTTTT. Ugh.

    #31666 Score: 0


    I love how you ignored everything I said and just payed all your attention to the insulting part.

    “•Has to be cool headed and doesn’t have any erratic behavior. Has to remain neutral towards aggression.”

    Oops I said no more wars.

    #31668 Score: 0


    Ok. Ok. Don’t have to be so worked up.
    This is not north Korea. Just stahp.
    @deasertman Sorry. I’ll cut down on pics next time.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by  Zevguns.
    #31669 Score: 0


    xD Zev

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