major issues in spleef


Home Forums Survival General discussion major issues in spleef

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  vsub391 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #27846 Score: 0


    there are 2 major lags in spleef that makes me harder to win. First when i sprint jump or fall for a certain amount of time it always says Teleportation is not allowed in spleef. Another is that when i dig the snow blocks they magiclly grow back! fix these 2 issues please.

    #27854 Score: 0


    Danny, the spleef arena has a lot of problems. But I’ll explain the glitches you encountered.
    When you tp, it’s like a player moving very quickly to another player. So when you fall, it may seem as you are tp-ing away.
    The reason why it magically grows back is because there’s block lag. It happens when your com or the server lags. Every block you break will “magically” grow back.
    The mods are trying to fix the plugin ATM and are trying to make the spleef arena regenerate after a game.
    For now, just wait for a while. I’ll buy ya some Nhutella if ya want. XD

    #27859 Score: 0


    call me dan zevguns and what on earth is Nhutella?

    #27862 Score: 0


    I’m working on fixing this as I type dan, don’t worry, I’m moving it to Arenas because I know there are a bunch of problems with Spleef here. Also, the new Spleef will have this thing called “Regeneration Timing“, meaning that after a block is destroyed, within 10-45 seconds, it will regenerate itself. But this will soon be something in Arenas, sorry about the issues.

    -HeadModerator Omega

    #27873 Score: 0


    We had a spleet? Omegas the head mod? Lol the things I did not know

    #27878 Score: 0


    Pirate. There is spleef in EC. Just do /spl join or /spl join 2
    But it is a little bugged atm so you can try it out if you want. Hopefully, it will be moved to Arenas server.

    #27883 Score: 0


    dan… Nhutella is the food of the gods sent down from heaven on a golden platter for us mortals to eat(basically its is a chocolate spread that tastes VERY good).

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