Man, tito doesn't learn…. Now you using a banned mod?


Home Forums Creative Help! Something oopsd! Man, tito doesn't learn…. Now you using a banned mod?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Levisor 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #98167 Score: 0

    20 pts Tito’s been outta control ever since I reported him earlier, and I almost reported him building some offensive messages to me on bree’s plot, but I didn’t want to report because I didn’t want bree to lose her stuff from something that wasnt her fault.

    #98168 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    No 1 told me better sprinting mods wasn’t allowed ander….. I removed it..
    nothing was offensive on bree plot all i just said was ” Ander Sucks”
    and its my own opinion. Leonard901 always says “tito sucks” and he doesn’t get report like….

    #98169 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Tito in the rules it says “Rules include but are not limited to the above” And look at this:

    I don’t think that auto-sprinting mods are allowed, so I’d suggest to remove it incase it’s not allowed.”
    ^ That’s the same as saying “I think that auto-sprinting mods aren’t allowed”.
    Anyways, Trollson banned you, and as Rogue had said, keeping it hidden is like having a hidden hacked client.
    Anyways, I’d told you to ‘remove it incase it’s not allowed’

    -megaseth020 Anyways, either way, joking about mods that aren’t allowed is reportable

    ~Admiral ZENZ

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #98171 Score: 0

    12 pts

    *No mods of any kinds are allowed except the following:



    -Any mods that only affect the game’s appearance

    Make sure you look at the rules bruh…
    You should know this! By now your a old player…

    #98172 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah and if you people wanna look closely at the pic, I had asked him “Tito how are you flying to fast?” He then proceeded to say “better sprinting mod” He’s lucky I wasnt recording, because he was zipping from one end of the plot to the other with no lag or anything, just pure speed..

    #98173 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    There I removed it.

    #98174 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Lol it’s too late..

    #98175 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry mrtito its too late and i cant help you :c

    #98176 Score: 0


    thank you for reporting.
    Tito you’ll get off with a warn for now since you removed it,but if someone reported you for having other mods than the ones listed you’ll get banned.
    And even if you’re joking the guy that you are referring to might take it personally,so I guess its better keeping your opinions to yourself.

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