Markm's Ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Markm's Ban appeal

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Ula 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #83231 Score: 0


    Ingame name : markm
    Where were you banned: survival
    Why were you banned: advertising
    Who banned you: i dont know , its been a while.
    Why should you be unbanned: i want to be unbanned because its been 2 years since ive been banned and ive waited patiently . I learned my lesson and i will cause no harm , im just asking for one last chance. Thanks for reading.

    #83233 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Damn, 2 years? You have been waiting a while, and waiting patiently too, considering I haven’t seen you post anything at all.

    The main issue is… I thought Born had made it clear in this reply on your old appeal:

    I get it, you may regret what you did… but you betrayed EC, by advertising the server of somebody who’d made it his main goal to destroy EC.

    Incase you want to remember why you were banned, here’s something you could read to re-live those memories:

    #83236 Score: 0

    7 pts

    It has not been two years, but it is a year or more, but I don’t think you will be unbanned because of the big mistake you have done.

    #83238 Score: 0


    Seth is right, this guy might have done something in the past. a ‘mistake’ maybe. but you dont look back to the past and judge the person in the made a mistake , we all did. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person, People do make mistakes and I think they should be punished. But they should be forgiven and given the opportunity for a second chance. We are human beings. i think he can show us that he is a better person. thats just my oppinion.

    #83245 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    I agree with river, give him another chance.

    #83263 Score: 0


    its not 2 years O_O and its not a year it was just months

    #83265 Score: 0

    20 pts


    #83387 Score: 0


    Damnn, 2 years. Hopefully you get unbanned mark <1234569 ^-^

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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