maxminoS is abusing =)
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This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Anonymous 9 years, 8 months ago.
yeah roy thats right, doesnt matter what i came online for, he’s fault he gave me the password? from the time he gave me he’s password and didnt change it, i can do whatever, there is no rule, when you join on someone’s account, get permission to join, if not get banned. so????
is there a rule like this? please tell me.
stop, wait a minute.
This topic is entitled “maxminoS is abusing =)”
Where’s the abusing part?
I clicked on the topic to view his ‘abusing’ but there’s none :/
Explanation please!
abuse is banning me for hacking when i didnt hack, grassfae u know what happen, dont try doing the silly..
Not sure if there is a rule or not, but there doesn’t have to be. We can’t cover all the rules, so it’s YOUR JOB to use your common sense and try to NOT get yourself banned.
Also, google “hacking”. The definition would be:
use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system.
“Unauthorized”. You logged into his account without his authorization, so it is considered hacking. Your attempts to prove yourself are hopeless, just stop before this gets worse.
If I recall correctly, aren’t you ProDoesMc? That guy has been banned 8 times across all servers, if you’re him, you should be global-banned anyway..
yes i am, mods knows this, and no i dont have to be banned global, untill mods from all the servers say it.
btw roy it cant get worse.. he’s fault he gave me the password
Well unfortunately, he never told you his password. Nor has he ever told you to log in.
Hacking a player is a global ban. Besides, you have plenty of other offenses in the past .-.
1. Can you even read buddy? Read my post once or twice so maybe you can get a reply to “it’s his fault”. No, it isn’t.
2. This is regarding maxminoS’ reply. You just got SHUT DOWN.
3. I’m pretty sure you’re going to make up this story about how he did tell you, and how he’s lying to get you banned. That doesn’t matter. You, by accepting to know his password and logging in his account are taking a risk of getting banned. We encourage people not to log in others’ account even if “given” permission. It’s your fault entirely. Use your common sense next time, if you have any.
roy, im not gonna continue the story, ill let u guys be happy and just tell born,, im not gonna fight for it, secondly, idc what u say, no one ever said, accepting someone’s password is bannable, anyway, i can make a ban appeal and wait, i got the coords, i dont really care, and secondly he’s the liar, cause he’s the one WHO took all the stuff from ur faction and put it in chests on Top of nether, dont worry i can go there, ill let the other factions be happy and raid Binary. like i said, im not continuing the story.
Lol, I don’t care if you continue fighting or not, I’m not even a factions mods, I’m just proving you wrong. Second, can you read? I can’t stress this enough. I’ve said it more than one time. I told you, doesn’t matter if it’s a rule or not, USE YOUR COMMON SENSE TO NOT GET BANNED. IT’S NOT HIS FAULT.
Besides, we don’t really care whether or not you got the coordinates, or who took the stuff. This isn’t related to that in anyway. You got banned for breaking the rules, done.
Also, if you insist, I can forward this to born ASAP, but he doesn’t have time for you and your silly arguments.
The reason you’re going to go tell born is because you don’t have anything to reply with, other than “It’s his fault”.
Born won’t care, he’ll say the same things we’re saying. He might even ban you.
Born does care. But he takes his life first. He don’t always have time to deal with little issues such as this. We (the faction moderators) have enough proof to support that Max’s action of banning you is correct and follows the rules.
Max was not abusing and had the evidence to ban you. He’s also the server owner, so you should respect him.
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