maxminoS is abusing =)


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal maxminoS is abusing =)

This topic contains 35 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #112097 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Hello there dear friend.
    I would really like to help you in this case, but I think it’s pretty much impossible.
    First of, you didn’t explain anything in your report, you didn’t follow the report template and that’s already a ‘minus’ in my opinion.
    The ‘thing’ you reported Max for is not abusing. He handled this case very well and keep in mind that mods would never ban you ban you without being 100% sure about the terms, and they would never ban you without proof.
    Also you admitted to me personally that you logged in into your brothers account, and he told me that you had no permission to do that.
    Using someone’s data without his permission is not allowed, and COULD be considered as hacking.
    Since you were banned more than 5-10 times, it’s time for you to search up another faction server. I’m sorry, but I think it’s over for you.
    Greetings, 001.

    #112101 Score: 0


    Gees, how bad is this? Can someone please summerise the entire story first? I will post my opinions after I get a clear understanding of this situation…

    #112114 Score: 0


    Look for another server. You’re done here, NoobDoesMC.

    #112115 Score: 0


    *Message Removed, Phone Lag*

    #112117 Score: 0


    Can someone summerise the story for me? I would like to know the entire story, and give opinions based on my intellectual understanding…

    #113094 Score: 0


    Bumping here, cause questions…

    Can i have the summary of this please?

    Also, from my limited understanding, this is a factions issue, why is it under survival eh?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 36 total)

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