May you please forgive me EC community


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal May you please forgive me EC community

This topic contains 18 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  miciaa 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #25259 Score: 0


    EC Community as you see, if you all remember me 6 months ago, I have been banned because of a terrible player who X-rayed, all I want to do is play with my friends one more, maybe even an hour. I was blamed for xraying but Yaqoob or Yagoob, (not sure what the name is) made me follow him by giving me gold as i wen’t along with him mining. The mod that banned me (Chibichuba) thought i was helping him mine while he was x-raying which is not the case at all. I shall try my best to become a helpful and good player of this awesome community, if I were to do something wrong,do not give me another chance. Please just one more chance is what i ask of you and the whole community. I’ve done my best to come back but i’ve just been shunned. So please reconsider?

    #25260 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I think Mariois25 should be able to join this server again, he seems to have learned his lesson, and that he really wants to play with his friends once more again and that he cannot do that. So vote up for him getting unbanned…

    #25261 Score: 0


    i agree that he has learn his lesson so i Vote up 😀

    #25262 Score: 0


    I believe Mariois25 deserves another chance. As they say, every person deserves another chance. He has served a descent amount of time from EC’s Survival Server, and I believe he should really get unbanned and be accepted into the server. Sincerely, OrbitxSavior AKA bo2zombies99

    #25263 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Give him one more chance, he has learned from his mistake

    #25310 Score: 0


    I think he should get one more chance, as he said he wasnt the one x-raying, and he has been 6 MONTHS banned so I think he learned his lesson. So I vote that you give MarioIs25 another chance.
    xXsamanoXx :)

    #25311 Score: 0


    I think Mario should deserve another chance. After all he did nothing wrong. He is a really kind person who wouldn’t do such a thing. Anyways. I vote up :)

    #25321 Score: 0


    I know mario somehow but there is 1 thing that i know about him..He changes and knows his mistakes.. So please give mario another chance.I VOTE UP!

    #25350 Score: 0


    I say give him another chance, granted, he did not report the x-rayer, it has been 6 months since his ban, and Im sure he has learned his lesson about it.


    #25377 Score: 0


    I think mario should be able to join the server again. He has learned his lesson by now and he just wants to play with his friends. Even if people think he shouldn’t have done that it really wasn’t his fault… If you read his apeal you would know that he didn’t hack, Yaqoob did.Thumbs up :)

    #25441 Score: 0


    I think Mario should join the server. Mario seems like the player that likes this server alot. I think Mario deserves a second chance. If you got banned, wouldn’t you want people to let you play again?


    #25531 Score: 0


    I agree with you too macomatic

    i would say a thumbs up for this 😀

    #25541 Score: 0


    unban him again he deserve that

    #25547 Score: 0


    unban ‘im as a good ‘strayan I reakon ‘e should be unbanned.

    #25904 Score: 0


    Thanks for voting up guys it really helps and let’s hope for the best :)

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

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