maybe i waa hacked :/


Home Forums Survival General discussion maybe i waa hacked :/

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  mod67 / MrPvr99 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #72006 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Hello there my IGN is Alipvp I was experiencing some probpems logging in the server. When I tried to log in it said ‘you are already connected to the server’ I changed my password 2 times but when my donorship ended (3-4days ago) it never happened . so if I said some bad words or did something bad in the last 2 weeks pLz forgive me cuz it wasn’t me

    #72007 Score: 0

    -1 pt

    Check your connection or re launch your minecraft

    #72011 Score: 0


    I don’t think something like this has happend Alipvp, I haven’t noticed anything weird about you.

    #72013 Score: 0


    Ali I don’t think it was hacking.. I have experienced the same thing and it happens randomly and also I haven’t noticed/seen conflict from you.

    #72016 Score: 0

    5 pts

    K I’m just saying. Cuz I’m not a guy who uses bad language. Try for the info

    #72029 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Alipvp, that is not actually “omg, someone is logging onto my account”. If you were trying to use two cracked Minecrafts, then you may have put Alipvp name on both of ’em. If you were sure that you aren’t logging on an alt acc that’s already open, then its just lag. The server takes around 5 seconds or so to register that you have logged out. If you can’t connect for like a day or two straight, then that’s a serious problem.

    #72038 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    If the adminis installed an plugin They can see if you are lying…
    I knew you and you was same person and had same quallity….
    You was also active on forums..

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