Mayor of Minepad


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #33137 Score: 0


    hey guys!! cookie here and I need help!! minerboy never comes on!! I need help! skills, born, or nhu please take thought of making me mayor of minepad. because minerboy never comes on, he never recuits more people… I need more assistants to help me… I hope head admins or server owner takes this into consideration because I don’t like the idea of tax and I alson would like to recruit more people to assistant… thx! cookie

    #33141 Score: 0


    There’s no point in making a separate topic based on the same subject. Just bump it.

    About the mayor, often an admin/head mod will make the most active assistant a mayor but you will need your mayor to approve of a transfer. Plus, this was already resolved by Gra, so why make a new topic?


    #33142 Score: 0


    how did gra resolve it?

    #33143 Score: 0


    Look at your other topic you made, same title, and see what he said about it. It gives you all you need to do to solve this problem.

    #33150 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Gra resolved it because the MAYOR BEfore left Ec a note that “I would allow Gra to become Mayor of my Town”

    According to my Information: Mrshtuffs and Minerboy are both brothers. They told me this because i had Mrshtuffs in the town. Btw, minerboy built most of the stuff in minepad and i think that it should be reserved just for him…. I am not sure about the mayor transfering thing when there is no evidence. Best thing is to let it fall and then claim it back?

    #33155 Score: 0


    god damn wither y don’t u listen!! I said no! all u want are the pistons… and don’t lie
    now don’t ask again
    cuz ill just keep depositing money in the bank to keep it up

    #33157 Score: 0


    @cookie_monst3r, You need to contact him and ask him if you can be mayor. Does he have skype or something? And do /p minerboy and see when he was last on just to make sure he isn’t afk.

    #33269 Score: 0

    14 pts

    @priatebooty SON OF A BIT*H…

    Who don’t know they are not online for months….

    @cookie_monst3r hm…..we’ll talk

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