Mayor Rarely Gets ON!!!


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Miguel_785 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #63241 Score: 0


    I wanted to know if you guys(Donors/Mods)could make me Mayor,comayor,or assistant in my town. The reason I’m saying this is because they rarely get on anymore. The people that get on in the town I’m in is me,wannapunch,seto933,and rtibbits. So yea I was wondering that if you guys could do that reply on here. And the most important thing is the town name which is Luxury.
    Thank You~Miguel_785

    #63242 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Nope sorry, I don’t think you’ll get mayor. You’re a resident, and there are also other people in the town, so one of them might be an assistant, and they might get the mayor instead. I’m sorry if I ruined your day :(

    #63252 Score: 0


    Yea Rogue_Art but most of the residents don’t get on either and I said Mayor,comayor, or assistant. So maybe give another thought and maybe one of you donors/mods can make be assistant.About 1-5 from my town get on daily!
    Thank You~Miguel_785

    #63253 Score: 0


    I also want to be an assistant or comayor because I want the town to become a better place. Less people are getting on everyday and if I was assistant or comayor, I would make more plots/space because when do /t spawn, it say you can only have one plot for right now. For right is when someone becomes Mayor,comayor,or assistant.
    Thank You~Miguel_785

    #63269 Score: 0

    23 pts

    This can be done. Thanks for letting us know. An admin will take a look.

    #63270 Score: 0


    OK Thank You Very Much! :)

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