Megapower135 Request For Unban


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Megapower135 Request For Unban

This topic contains 21 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  Stress 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #16025 Score: 0


    Hey guys, megapower135 here and I request to be unbanned from the main server.

    When I Was Banned: March 2nd 2013

    Who Banned Me: GuardianMod Nhu

    Why I Was Banned: I got carried away and was to stupid to notice that Nhu was in a major Stress and requested for a ban.

    Why I Should Be Unbanned: This server is the only server I have spent alot of time on, I know some of you people don’t like me but to be honest I play around alot and get carried away, I’m Stupid enough to do “Dare Devil” things but for what I have learn is to not mess around with Mods that are in stress or angered. One last thing, if I don’t get unbanned then I have really learned my lesson and it would suck for me. I’m look forward to what you guy are plan on voting

    Vote Up= Unban Vote

    Vote Down= Perm. Ban Vote


    #16027 Score: 0


    im not crying! OK! wait… who put those onions in the kitchen! wait no one is even cooking onions….. na latez!

    #16029 Score: 0


    my name is shirleyhill2 and i approve this msg!        <—–lol chuck norris right there!

    #16030 Score: 0


    vote up, in game is a nice guy, he’s very friendly and helps when he can. like shirley, i as well approve this msg

    #16038 Score: 0


    Unban Mega idk if my vote counts because i am also banned but if it does UNBAN MEGA!


    #16043 Score: 0


    Well if what i read was correct you said that you were banned because nhu was in a bad mood. am i correct or have i just read this wrong??

    -TrialMod pigs

    #16061 Score: 0


    What you read in this ban app  is correct Pigs, what I have done was a big mistake to myself.

    #16068 Score: 0


    So you are saying that the only reason you were banned is becoz a mod was angry? not for an actual reason?

    #16088 Score: 0


    I made her mad and kinda joked around and what not… I”m a stupid guy.

    #16089 Score: 0


    You just g0t IP-Banned mega :O. Whyd you hack dude :(

    #16090 Score: 0


    I didn’t use hacks or anything related to that, i was just being stupid and screwed up big time, this is probably my only chance to get unban other then that its a forever good-bye for me

    #16105 Score: 0


    1.) Xavier, he didn’t hack, he was banned because a mod wasn’t in a good mood.

    My vote  is:


    Mega’s an awesome person, and is totally worthy of everyone’s vote. I don’t anything he’d ever do wrong.


    #16213 Score: 0


    I know that mega did a bad thing but hes a nice guy and honest person plz unban him 1 of the greatest people in Ec in my opinion                      :(

    #16685 Score: 0

    F in the chat for Kobe
    4 pts

    Not in any rude kind of way, but I believe that it is both Nhu’s and Megapower135’s fault, if Megapower wasn’t aggravating Nhu, then it wouldn’t have happened, and if Nhu kept her cool and didn’t take it seriously, Megapower used to get joke-y every now and again whenever I saw him on, I reckon you should be un-banned old friend 😉

    #16888 Score: 0


    id like him to be unbanned but i dont think i have a say, mega ya done goofed

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