Melee's Mod Application


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This topic contains 38 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #116653 Score: 0


    Alright, everyone has been requesting me to become a mod, using #MeleeForMod (Example leaders are TheHighOreo and megaSeth020), so here it is.

    In-game names used:

    – Main Account: melee49

    – Alternative Slave Accounts: melee41, melee42, melee43, melee44, melee46, melee47, melee50 and melee52

    How Old are you: 15.75 years old (15 years, 9 months)

    In what country do you live in, and what is your timezone?

    – Country: Singapore, Singapore

    – Timezone: UTC+8 (Warning: This timezone is subjected to change due to the ASEAN Common Time Zone)

    How long have your played Minecraft?

    – Minecraft: Since 25 October 2012 (Version 1.4.2) (2.75 years – 2 years 9 months)

    – Eternal Craft: Since 9 June 2013 (Version 1.5) (2.15 years – 2 years 2 months)

    – Other Servers: None

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating? If yes, tell us your experiences as detailed as possible, but do not Advertise any server IPs!

    – Yes, in the same main server, but in the Creative Branch, from 1st July 2013 to 31st July 2013 (or about there), only as a Trial Moderator. At that time, server was in low population. I was recruited by S_Killer99 (Present day ZeBliteKiller). Soon after, some ‘mishaps’ happened (Explained in the next question). I have moderated relatively well (and relatively bad). I was very used to the server and the commands. However, since then, I went offline for 3 months (Streaming year) and have since forgotten most of the commands.

    – I would request for some rehabilitative training before I get stable with the new permissions, rank and experience.

    Do you ever get punished in EternalCraft before? If yes, when and why? And what did you learn from that?

    Yes, During the moderating term, I was abusive (as in real life, thanks bullies, for not accepting Autistic humans). That led to my demotion, after that I pretty much rage quit from the server… (That also helped me to perform well in the Streaming exams, to get into the Triple Science Combination). The thing I learnt from that was, to not be ‘abusive’. Hatred begins from this. It has been 2 years since then, and I would have settled down already (Thanks to a brand new accepting class in Secondary 3 Express till my ‘O’ Levels).

    Other than that, minor warns (Majority are spams, currently 1 in record, Own7ge owes me 1, 8 warns before the reset).

    Now, truth is, I was banned once for using a Minecraft Glitch in Survival – Obsidian Farm. I was told by Psycho9 – Now an Admin – that it is allowed, and that even a mod has used it. This ban should not be counted. This is especially true since Ender Pearl Glitches are allowed in Factions (as announced by Wither) as it is an Universal Minecraft Glitch, and measures have been put in place to reduce it.

    I was banned twice (‘Unoffically’ or Not counted) in Prison. I was banned by Xavier the first time as a preventive measure, as I got hacked on 9/11 (The date is retarded…) by mrcrapy in Year 2014 via password guessing. (This is very questionable, as I was G that time, and Tavon was H that time, and all 3 of us are online at the same time during my night…). Since then, my password was changed.

    The second time, much more recent, was by an unknown Admin/Headmod, via Own7ge, for ‘Revealing a mod secret’ in a Grocery List. By inference and analysis, I concluded that the ban would not be counted (Correct me if I am wrong) as I was unbanned after 2 hours of patience (8pm to 10pm Local Time) without making a ban appeal, with Clock’s reason being ‘Stalked’.

    The Server you are applying for: Prison (Why is this even in the Moderator Application Template -.-?)

    How Often are you Online in Prison: (This is a hard question to answer)

    – This is a very fluctuating time range. I would say about 1-2 hours per school weekday, and 10 (so much?) on a weekend/public holiday/off school day/school holidays… The reason for such a low activity is due to my incoming National Exams – GCE ‘O’ Levels, which will eat up a lot of time, since there are 13 hours of school per school day, from 7.30am to 8.30pm Local Time.

    Why do you want to become a Moderator?

    I would be a Moderator to help people easily, and the fact that I have helped a lot of people makes that evident to be a characteristic of a Moderator.

    – Example 1: Solving Equations.

    – Elaboration: Because of my skills in Maths, people have been asking me to calculate prestige prices. Answering them within 5 seconds is usually a reliable answer. This is made possible because Clockspeed trusts me enough to do correct arithmetic. (He knows me well enough to have my privacy broken, which results in me getting banned from Skype – Please STOP -.-)

    – Example 2: Grocery Lists :)

    – Elaboration: Self-Explanatory, this also proves I am relatively active on forums…

    – Example 3: Ore Party

    – Elaboration: Calculating time is complicated, as well as understanding timezones. That is true for most of the players, but not true to me. As evident from the forums, I spent time (Despite exams being the next day…) making a very reliable reference to each ore party times in each of the 40 timezones. Clockspeed is obviously impressed and sticked it, with allowance for me to edit into a universal list, with correct DST applied.

    Alright, there it is, I would not be demoralised if it is denied, in fact, I would expect that, since I am too busy to play due to the incoming National Exams (GCE ‘O’ Levels). Please post your comments below to critic me (NOT Criticise -.-), and I will find ways to improve, if you are under the #MeleeNOmod faction. If you are under the #MeleeForMod faction, please give your supportive votes below.

    Thank you forum members for taking your time to read, and I hope to be a good contributor to the Mod Team.



    #116654 Score: 0


    This is clearly a bump -.-

    Reminder: Catch SGDQ 2015 now @

    #116664 Score: 0


    You bumped 1 minute after making a mod app. Good start melee, good start.

    #116666 Score: 0

    1 pt

    It’s going to be a definite no. You’re personality is very appalling. You think your “high intellect” puts you above everyone else, and its very rude sometimes.

    I’m sure everyone else will agree.

    #116667 Score: 0

    1 pt

    lol disagree.
    I actually haven’t noticed that before, as far as I noticed melee is nice and helpful. You could tell that bit by the fact that he helped Clock get a list of a huge number of timezones for nothing in return (yeah a lot of them were wrong but that’s not the point). I’d say it’s a vote up (for the reasons being nice and helpful and all the general stuff that will be said a hundred more times (I hope)) but with one problem: fix your spam. The rules may not say it’s spam, but we have different opinions than the rules. Recently you have been reminding the players about the speedrun that I have no idea about even though a lot of players said they don’t care about it and said they were getting annoyed by it. Personally I think your reminders annoyed more people than it helped, I suggest you stop reminding us now.
    By the way is there some template to vote right? I remember I’ve seen it before but it’s not on the Prison section, or is it for another branch? If it exists here please let me know so that this vote can count. o_O

    #116669 Score: 0


    I don’t like to reply to every single reply one by one, so I will do it all at once…

    Chillz, that bump is to ‘bump’ the topic to the recent replies section obviously… That is what everyone does, because first thing first, recent replies is above recent topics, so people see replies first. Secondly, everyone does that, so why cant I?

    Deasert, like what Oreo said, clearly its not true. Can’t I use my knowledge to help people? If you cant even understand difficult parts, how do you explain these to people who are asking you for the elaboration? Explain to me how is that possible…

    Oreo is correct. Its very evident on the forum until it got Sticked. But, the thing is, I did not expect that, so I only did the timings according to the current season. I have since corrected the list, so it will be correct as of now.

    About the SGDQ 2015, its only 1 week, also Seth asked them to not complain, but Ander asked me to stop. Question: Who should I follow? Hmm, obviously the higher ranked staff member, in this case Seth – being an admin. Also, he has a good point, some people will want to watch it. If they don’t care, I am fine, but if they get annoyed by it, then I am not accepting it. Just ignore it, can’t you? There are other people who cares, you are not the only person on the forums. That is what they don’t understand about. I am just only supporting and promoting the fight for cancer. Either way, the reminders end when the marathon ends, which is Sunday (Or Monday for the Eastern Australians) (Or Saturday for the Western Americans). So, just please be patient, there are only 2 days left, as of now…

    Also Oreo, here is the Voting Template:

    #116670 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up

    -mod material
    -very very helpful
    -reports a ton
    -knows commands
    -active both forums and in game
    -banned before
    -a tiny tiny bit disrespectful at times

    Good luck :)

    #116674 Score: 0


    What can you bump within 24 hour Of creating it if there’s no reply?

    #116675 Score: 0

    1 pt

    melee, your response makes no sense to what I mentioned. I’m not blaming you for having interest in certain things, or to share them with others, but when you do you’re fairly rude sometimes and very cocky. Other people may not have seen it, but I have.

    #116678 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Down


    -Active ingame


    -Trying to get you to stop fighting the mods’ decisions is like trying to get my dog away from her food bowl (Just saying, it’s extremely hard)

    -You spammed the “Mod Applications” sections of each server with bumps, which was highly unnecessary.

    -Pretty bad attitude if something doesn’t go your way, or match your time zone.

    -“Alright, everyone’s has been requesting me to become a mod, using #MeleeForMod (Example leaders are TheHighOreo and megaSeth020), so here it is.” Yeah, no .-.

    -I agree with what deasert said. If someone makes a slight math error, you get all fired up, and start coming in with your smarts. It makes the other player feel stupid.

    -Was banned before for something pretty serious.

    -If a topic isn’t closed, you make a big deal over it.

    -Melee49 is the king of the “-.-” face.

    -“You’re fairly rude sometimes and very cocky. Other people may not have seen it, but I have.” I agree with deasert on this one too.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #116683 Score: 0



    Alright, that is a good elaboration, I will have that kept in mind


    Note that the bans are practically unofficial, because 2 of the 3 bans I stated above are solved without ban appeals, and the 3rd one is because I got hacked. So technically, I have never been ‘banned’ before.


    Good point, teach it to Chillz… the reason for bumping it into the ‘Recent Replies’ section is stated above


    Hmm this list stumps me… How should I start (Should better number your points)

    – I know what I am doing, I know what is best for the server… I have done calculations to solve the problems…

    – Okay, I understand, but OCD is not easy to diagnose…

    – That isn’t true. They gave me an option, not forced me… I took days thinking of this, and during SGDQ 2015, which ruins my experience, but I have no choice, but to do so. The thing is, there are more people in the #NoModForMelee, which means they are against me as a mod, and most likely quit if I get accepted… There are 2 sides to look at, the ‘For’ and the ‘Against’. Consider that carefully first.

    – Not that true, I am too busy to spot errors now, I have my own errors to spot first (School work – not homework anymore o.o)…

    – That is true, but it isn’t counted, because I was unbanned, without a ban appeal. Read the Moderator Application more carefully, and read in between the lines if necessary. I have stated the reasons, Clock gave the reason for the unban as ‘stalked’, which is also something serious committed by jttt3, the offender. Also the other one was a mis-understanding, I believe Oreo was the one who banned me, because he got misled by Antres6, for abusing an allowed glitch, because its an internal Minecraft glitch, that is actually transformed into a feature, since the community pressured Mojang to not fix it. The last one was because I was hacked, clearly I am not at fault -.-

    – A closable topic that is still open is dangerous… (And part of it is more OCD, again something that isn’t really that fixable)

    – I am angry and stressed up because of my National exams, not an easy period to deal with…

    – I have stated about this above, go and read it yourself

    Complicated list, read properly -.-, I spent 15 minutes writing that…

    #116685 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Melee, temporary bans are still bans.

    #116690 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I won’t argue with any points except for the bans thingy.
    Ander, clearly he wasn’t at fault in any of the bans. The first one (as far as I understand) was because of jttt3 and ClockSpeed said it was his fault. The second one was a misunderstanding by me because Antares did say that some generator was a Minecraft glitch but then a mod told me that this glitch isn’t bannable because a long story which I don’t quiet remember. Third ban was a hacker, don’t argue with that, no one would get punished if there was clear proof that a hacker logged in and messed around with that, and the fact that no one denied it was a hacker means that were was good evidence to proof it wasn’t a hacker. So melee has nothing to do with either of the three bans. I believe your point is invalid.

    #116692 Score: 0


    Please read my earlier message first, Temporary bans are still bans. Sure, I agree with that. However, they can be categorised into 2 categories: Unofficial and Official Bans…

    Clearly, you can tell that all 3 bans are Unofficial bans, so they wont be counted. Only Official Bans are counted…

    That above was supported by Oreo, thank you Oreo…

    #116696 Score: 0


    Im not saying he cant bump within 24 hours, im just saying that the topic was on top of the recent topics list and there was no good reason to bump. And like roy said, his one negative overpowers all his positives. Not voting tho. Dont play anymore so wont be fair 😛

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