Melee's Mod Application


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This topic contains 38 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)
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  • #116700 Score: 0


    The reason to bump is to put the topic to the recent replies section, not a strong reason, but still vaild… Also, not all negatives are true, you need a reliable source to do so

    #116701 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Wait so you want them to screenshot all your positives and negatives before they vote? .-.

    #116702 Score: 0


    The negative im talking about is being really rude, spamming the chat with your so called “Calculations”, “correcting” everyone, being annoying, and making others feel bad. This can be compiled in just 1 HUGE negative which is far greater than ALL of your positives. And besides, why do u have time to play? Don’t you have “74” exams? Don’t you have to watch “uhc”? Don’t you have to watch pokemon? Don’t you have to post timezones and clocks on all topics? Don’t you have to bump on other ppl’s moderator applications? Don’t you have to correct others? If you change yourself, I’ll change my opinion. And nice going zero xD

    #116704 Score: 0


    Zero, they don’t need to do so, its not a requirement, its not part of the rules…

    Also, I have completed my work in school, I have done my revision, of course I sneak in time to play… Staying updated is not easy. Also, I don’t need to watch Pokémon, I have seen enough of the old games, I will wait for the new ones then… UHC is also not a frequent event… Of course I wont be posting timezones and clocks, its ‘spam’ in some people’s eyes, and its redundant, because its already on the forum, no need to duplicate. Also I don’t need to over-bump the mod apps, also there is nothing to correct…

    All those, are over-written by the ongoing SGDQ 2015, and I take that as a higher priority to all of this, and even my studies, because Fighting against cancer is even more important…

    #116711 Score: 0


    Kills I was agreeing with you xd

    #116721 Score: 0

    2 pts

    this has become an argument. stop the arguing either vote up or vote down and final.

    vote down
    because your intelect is so amazing, i have saw you brag about it some times and thats not allowed.
    you know your stuff
    you just need to fix that first one and im actually quite sure youll be ready

    #116723 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Well, bragging is allowed, but most people hate it and stuff, so yeah…

    #116727 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Yeah, I was somebody that said the #MeleeForMod because I think he’d be a good candidate for moderator.
    Helpful (timezones, maths and a lot of other things)

    Well, im going to get back to SGDQ, Currently Fallout 3, transitioning to Oblivion

    #116748 Score: 0


    Should you not at least wait till your exams are over?

    Whether you have alr done your revision or not or that you are getting a 4 point result.

    #116758 Score: 0


    Vote up
    -Has photographic memory

    #116759 Score: 0

    1 pt

    can we please just vote instead of throwing off the topic, this is a mod app not for you all to argue about 1 small thing…

    #116761 Score: 0


    1.Very kind on very offtine on forums btw i still cant type properly ;-;
    3.would be a very good mod
    4. supports people
    5.he also gives information to some players like how much it is to rank up or usfull stuff
    6. spends alot of time on prison
    7. well educated and well maenerd
    8.Big brain because when he says something smart i litraly pas out with brain melfunction lel
    idk i just wanted to say vote down

    your srsly still reading

    omg stop

    -.- im just gonna stop here


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by  jerome43926.
    #116764 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Up.

    I’m not jealous of his sucession and I want him to become a Moderator, unlike a majority of people who have posted here.

    #116765 Score: 0


    @Bender bro we encourage players to volunteer. We aren’t jealous of anyone. The way melee acts and chats is the reason for our downvotes and stuff.

    #116914 Score: 0


    Alright, this is a bump (while in school). Comments will be up later after school.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)

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