Mellon Farms Removed mine and others


Home Forums Survival General discussion Mellon Farms Removed mine and others

This topic contains 35 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  valksoar 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #33548 Score: 0


    Ok so this morning i woke up to my Mellon tower removed by skills641

    it was to my knowledge from the mail he sent that they where the cause lag

    so he removed all the nearby Mellon farms by spawn and said no more farms

    including our iron farms

    now the day before everything was just fine but even after he removed the farms the server still lag’d very badly this must be an internal error or host problem for this lag but with very little knowledge about the problem im just making an assumption so im not sure what’s the true cause of the lag all i no is the only time the Mellon farms cause lag is when the pistons are firing and this only last for about 5 seconds and only during daybreak or nightfall after that there is no lag and the lag is very miner and is only in that chunk

    i would like a proper explanation about this pleas not only for me but for all the other people and if possible if they where not the true cause
    of the lag i would like theme to be restored

    here is just some there may be more


    #33549 Score: 0


    It wasn’t until an hour after there removal that the lag stoped. This is an indicator that the lag was probly a host issue and NOT the melon farms fault.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by  Xavier3479.
    #33551 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    If they were removed i demand my pistons/redstone/smooth stone back please it no warning that you were going to remove them..

    #33552 Score: 0

    3 pts

    It’s not just the server, it’s also the spawn, spawn area has been incredibly laggy and it gets 3 times as bad when you step out of spawn and you come across these many massive towers, this is unfair to new players who come to spawn and hit with the largest amount of possible, and knwoing nothing about the server, they just leave.

    Sorry about your farm being removed, you’ll be refunded, but we can’t have the main spawn laggin, it would be no different than the big tree spawn we use to have. You can make your farm in your town, but near spawn anymore.

    What’s more important: a player’s income or the server?

    #33553 Score: 0


    Main spawn wasnt laggy at all with the farms. The lag caused by the farms is in that chunk ONLY. The server lag was probly hosting issues.

    #33555 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Yeah, Ever Head of Mob Arena..

    Cough Cough

    I was deleted of my melon farm and would like a refund plz.

    #33561 Score: 0


    Sooo any of u guys wanna sell that cheap worthless plot to me :3 i wan more eggs ya know?

    #33562 Score: 0

    3 pts

    they can build on it, like a house and/or shop, just can’t be a farm anymore

    #33563 Score: 0


    there was no lag at server at login skills

    also the spawn was all greifed all around it we made it look better

    #33564 Score: 0

    3 pts

    I have a really good computer, when I am at spawn, it’s 120 fps, when I step out of the first bubble, I drop to 60 fps… Now this drop with a new player to the server, all they have to do is looking around in spawn, and they will get hit hard with lagg, and what’s even better, is when all the automatic farms go off at once, all at the same time, the new player who just got a first experience in the server, will get kicked from do to lagg that was generated from the farms.

    Sure, you made that griefed areas look better, but it’s not worth it, no different from making a redstone clock right next to spawn. You can make the griefed areas look better, just think of something that a new player would go to and be like ‘wow,’ that doesn’t have to generate income for yourself, it can be an artistic approach

    #33565 Score: 0


    the only time the mellon farms coss lag is when the pistons are firering you no this skills you also have one

    now as far as the FPS drop i also have a verry good computer a homebuilt 2000$ computer now if there is an FPS drop its prob bec of the Loading of tall structures i bet if you turn your view distance down the problem would be fixed this goes for any tall structure

    not only that but what im most upset about is the lack of warnning not only that but you not only removed the towers but all the hoppers and redstone as well all the redstone is compleatly gone

    my doors dont work anymore etc alote of people have told me there quiting bec of this unless its fixed there wasnt enough lag around spawn for it to be a big deal if it was i could atleast understand

    i dont speek for just myself we all want our farms back

    #33566 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Idk about you guys but imma build a nice castle 😀

    #33568 Score: 0

    2 pts

    While I agree with Skills about this curing client side lag for low end computers it wont fix the much bigger issue of the extreme server side lag that has been plaguing the server for the past few weeks. New players are far more likely to leave over not being able to play due too server lag than leaving over low FPS.

    #33569 Score: 0


    Whats done is done and skills has apparently made up his mind on what he is going to do. Saying whats lagging and whats not isn’t going to fix the issue here. Skills also said you will be refunded for your pistons and redstone. And granted, yea, you did made the spawn look a hell of a lot better, but why have 50 block towers hovering over spawn, when you could have something better like mansions. If you spent all the time on the automatic towers, then why not spend the time on something that looks halfway decent. Because personally, I hated those stupid towers around spawn, and glad they are gone.

    #33570 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Yeah guys Im bummed about the farms being gone too but that the least of our worries. We all donate money to EC so born can add better hardware and make our game play better and more enjoyable. But all that money has gone nowhere. Hundreds of dollars (maybe even thousands) that haven’t been used to make any (Visible or noticeable) change in the quality of game play of EC. So if i were you guys, id worry less about your melon towers and worry more about your money that isn’t being used to improve EC.

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