Members Needed!


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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Ali 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #93515 Score: 0


    I need some members for my fac!

    Requirtments :

    -I must know you(In-game).
    -You must have OP stuff.
    -Need to be active(at least 1 – 3 hours a day).
    Friendly enough.
    -Give me 2-3 reason why i should trust you.

    I’ll decide if it’s accepted.
    I’ll /mail send you if you’re accepted.

    Luv <3 this server :3

    #93517 Score: 0

    12 pts

    In game name: Tavon1924 alt tavon
    I have guns and Op stuff and etc
    I know you in game and I know you know me in game. :)
    I’m a nice guy if you know me very well. :)
    Reason 1: Well I never try to raid the ppl who I joined the fac in.
    Reason 2: Well ppl love me very well so I don’t think ppl will hate me much.
    Reason 3: I can prove myself if you need me too. :)
    Thank you for your time. :)

    #93518 Score: 0


    How long are you are you online everyday?(hours or minutes)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Beast.
    #93521 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well I can be online for 4-5hours if I want too. And for the weekends i’ll be online for 10-15hours.

    #93523 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I know you ingame

    I have tier 3 flamethrower, I have earth spear, blow dart, almost enough for snow bow, I have shotgun almost able to upgrade to tier 2, I have revolver tier 1, I have several GoldDonor kits. Yeah, I’m currently working towards OP enchants too, soon I will purchase machine gun and raygun.

    I could be online for up to 1-2 hours on weekdays, and up to 5 hours in the weekend.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  AnderZENZ. Reason: Forgot something D:
    #93542 Score: 0

    1 pt

    I already know you in game but
    i can be active 2 hours every day since its school

    I have 10 firebrands 5 blowdarts (i can make more but i dont need more)
    I have currently 3 snow bows and a lot of packed ice, so if i lose one of them i can make another one then another one etc.

    I have 2 assasins dagger i dont like dat tomawhack since it doesnt do a lot of damage mmmhmm probably 1 stack of suicide bombs ;o 37 molotovs

    1 degenerator i will not make more since its hard to make a guy enter there D;

    Im a pro at pvp (not because i say it, its because a lot of ppl has said it)

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  igra2002. Reason: I forgot something :p
    #93663 Score: 0


    Guys,remember that you need to leave your fac first 😀

    #93688 Score: 0

    1 pt

    wait what… i thought it was for ally? im not leaving my fac lets be allies :p

    #93745 Score: 0



    #93751 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Ign: AliPvP_92, Alipvp And McPacMan(The account I used to join this server 1.3 years ago)
    3-6 or 1-2 hours everyday O:
    I’m Op u know dat. Also good at pvp
    Im fwendly I like Fud. My last Sentence Proved that I am Friendly. I mean I LIKE FUD. How much more friendly do I need to be?!! D:.
    1. I am already Allied wif u.
    2. I Helped ya Before
    3. I Am trustful and I NEVER Break anyone’s Trust.
    Pffft I don’t wanna join ur fac, I just wrote dis cuz I wanted to :3
    Im using a touchpad. Which shucks.

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