Meowcha's Mod Application


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Meowcha's Mod Application

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Trollson 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #68465 Score: 0


    In-Game Name: Meowcha

    Experience:None with moderating (yet :O)

    How often are you online: mostly 8-12 hours everyday 😀 (but if I’m not online I either went somewhere or a vacation trip)

    Why Do I want to be mod: First, to get experience on what being a mod does. Second, I want to help other people (even though you can with being a member but I will help other people more :D) Third, I wish for EC to improve and be the best 😀

    That’s all Folks 😀

    (p.s. I’ve never used hacks or cheats etc. :D)
    (also I don’t want to be a mod for power, I want to be a mod
    for change!)

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Meowcha.
    #68467 Score: 0


    Vote Down

    Constructive criticism
    There really isn’t a reason

    No experience

    Positive Feedback

    Seem really nice

    It would be great if you get more experience and learn and come back and try again! (If you can…)

    – Patrick3443

    #68469 Score: 0

    Vote down.

    1. Never see you online. Might be timezones
    2. Inactive on forums (you came back only recently)
    3. You are supposed to state your experiences with the server, other servers, and Minecraft as whole, not only moderating experiences
    4. Experiencing moderatorship isn’t a good enough reason to be promoted
    5. Nor is helping people
    6. 2(Nor) is making the server better
    7. As you have admitted, you can help people as a member. Doing so, you would be indirectly enhancing the server, all that done as a member
    8. Mod application isn’t that amazing as I have hoped. You have Richard-sensei , Meowcha

    Overall, you have an amazing personality, but you lack DISCIPLINE. You has potential, yet you has not reached it.

    #68483 Score: 0

    16 pts

    “First, to get experience on what being a mod does. Second, I want to help other people (even though you can with being a member but I will help other people more :D) Third, I wish for EC to improve and be the best :D”.

    Uh, that’s asking for power doe :o.

    (also I don’t want to be a mod for power, I want to be a mod
    for change!)

    Kay, so you just don’t want mod to abuse power, but you want mod to do changes.

    From those two things – Vote down.

    #68485 Score: 0


    First, to get experience on what being a mod does. Second, I want to help other people (even though you can with being a member but I will help other people more :D) Third, I wish for EC to improve and be the best
    First: Not a really good reason. Being a moderator is more than just getting experience. As much as you’ll pick it up along the way, this isn’t really a valid reason
    Second/Third: Both can be done as a member. You don’t need to be a mod to do it. As for the second reason, if you really want to help that much, I’d like to see you do it as a member first.

    As Richard said you have potential. Don’t give up, but if you don’t improve on these factors that others have listed….then it might affect your path to getting moderator.

    #68491 Score: 0


    Middle Down
    -I dont see you online Much Diff Timezones maybe
    -Dont really see you Help
    -Semi Inactive ingame

    Positive Feedback
    -Good person
    -Does not Use hacks
    -Cool headed

    #81223 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Inactive Denied

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