Message to Skills641


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Message to Skills641

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  skills641 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #58056 Score: 0


    Dear @Skills641,

    Today i have fought the wither at /warp wither. I had Pro4 Unb3 and a Pro4 Unb3 Godsword wither skeleton killed me.. You know yesterday (26/1/14), You spawned in a GOD wither skeleton and it killed EVERYONE in god armor..

    So, I would like to say i need refunds, Because that wither skeleton killed me in 1 Hit..

    Or, Tell Mod67 to give me my stuff back due to him taking it.



    #58057 Score: 0


    It was a fair kill. No refund will be given most likely.

    #58059 Score: 0


    @Xavier3479 Fair kill? I had full hearts then suddenly.. *Mizodaspy was killed by a potion* And i didn’t have any potion effects on me. I’m not against your opinion in any way just to let you know.


    #58060 Score: 0


    Sorry dude but it was fair.

    #58065 Score: 0

    16 pts

    “Pro4 Unb3 Godsword wither skeleton killed me” – Wat. So there’s was a god sword… being wielded by a wither skeleton… that had the enchants of protection 4 unbreaking 3…? Oh, and if you killed the wither at warp wither, you gotta find the lamps first, or you’ll get Wither II, Nausea, and Hunger II. It won’t be refunded since you didn’t die like by glitching and falling into the void, or having a large lava pool world edited over your town.

    #58070 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hello guys, and sorry I’ve been so inactive lately. Mizodaspy, I don’t believe a refund will be given to you as you went to /warp wither fully aware of the risks. Like everyone also said, it was a fair kill. No cheats were used, or no glitch abused, or any hack or whatever.

    #58071 Score: 0


    But, Skills knows that he underestimated Wither skeletons. So i say it should get removed (The one with God armor and a God sword). It kills a guy with Diamond armor in 1 Hit. People that have suffered in Warp Boss party the day before yesterday were ALL KILLED.

    If you guys agree that i shouldn’t have a refund, Then ok.

    But do you agree or not that the Pro4 Unb3 God Sword wither skeleton should be removed?


    #58072 Score: 0


    You knew the risks mizo.

    #58073 Score: 0


    I didn’t. What i think is jeb should lower the strength of wither skellies 😮


    #58074 Score: 0

    3 pts

    No refunds Mizodasy, you didn’t turn on the light switch to the wither arena, and you must of went in there by yourself first, then you tanked all the arena effects by yourself, and you got killed. If you turned on the light switch, all the arena effects get disabled, and the spawning of wither skeletons

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