MG games, ideas: Own7ge


Home Forums Minigames Map Sharing Map Suggestions MG games, ideas: Own7ge

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  igra2002 10 years ago.

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  • #91317 Score: 0


    Okay, I have some ideas for some games and new maps for Mini Games.

    Idea 1: How about we have an Archer Game ? Let me explain further… So basically it’s a game that consists of 3 players at least. They receive a bow and some arrows. This game will have a countdown maybe 10 sec countdown before they start.. All players need to have the same amount of arrows. They play and shoot there arrows toward a specific thing (Red Wool) for example … They should hit an arrow there and when it touches on the red wool they receive a point :) .. Maybe they can receive an arrow and shoot that red wool and receive a point and get one more arrow to shoot the next red wool, which is a little bit further than the first one, and the most person with points wins, and we can also make a highscore for example /top .. When few players play bythemselves and try to beat the high-score. Maybe each month the winner will be given a reward ? … Anyways now there are positives and negatives …


    1. I think people will enjoy this
    2. Conpetition
    3. Addicting


    1. Hacks might be used for example: Aim Bot
    2. People might not like this

    I say let’s do it :) Your choice though :)

    Idea 2: How about we have a mob arena ? I see many people asking for this, and many know about this … Maybe we can make a mob arena and you survive with your team against Mobs… Through stages you will be given armour with at least a team of 3 and when you go through all stages you will receive a prize .. Make it many stages :)

    I wont name positives and negatives here πŸ˜‰

    Idea 3: For this idea I suggest adding an economy game :) .. Okay many might know my idea of Dungeon, Which has been built with xZero_Strike big thanks btw bro πŸ˜‰DiceDead thanks for the help as well, and thanks to the Cr Mods that allowed me to share this :) .. Maybe this could be added with economy.. Let me explain this further: We can make Dungeon cells cost money.. Shops were people trade money for items or the opposite way around. We can have mining areas maybe find a moss stone and receive some amount of money.. We can make armour,kits, mines, and (levels) already made.. So economy could be an idea that I’d suggest πŸ˜‰ …

    Idea 4: How about we have a game of maze… Some of these ideas can be events for the economy :) .. My idea of a game of maze is that, well it’s sinple make a huge maze with traps and first one to finish it receives a prize..

    Idea 5: How about we have a game of crafting .. Okay so basically the different players are Beside each other … And they have to craft something .. It wont be a crafting table maybe we can give them two wood, 8 cobble, two iron ores, one coal, and ask them to craft an iron sword. First one to craft it wins πŸ˜‰ .. This could be helpful for crafting skills and so people can craft things faster.

    Idea 6: We can have crafting survival :) same thing as above maybe same thing as Mg, but all players get the same tools and have to craft something then use it to kill players around you ..

    I don’t have any more ideas for now :( .. Hope you
    Vote below :) .. Sorry if this is not good,
    But I’ll be grateful to help build the maps and everything if needed πŸ˜‰ .. Hope you enjoyed reading this .. it’s 12:28 am so sorry for any grammar mistakes :) As you can see Ima go watch a movie πŸ˜› btw used a small phone πŸ˜› took some time πŸ˜‰

    Ign: Own7ge or own7ge (Own)

    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by  Own7ge.
    • This topic was modified 10 years ago by  Own7ge. Reason: Bold*
    #91320 Score: 0


    Sorry for the bold below tried to remove it, but edit button gone :(

    #91340 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Fixed the bold thing for ya πŸ˜›
    1- I am sure everyone would love this, tho it might get boring to always shoot at inanimate things. Maybe we can put some mobs, like, in the highest levels, silverfish and ocelots? Looking for a plugin for it :) (btw, aimbot only aims mobs and players, not blocks)

    2- MA has been suggested countless times, tho always refused because it’s already in SV. I think we can totally redesign it, make it like a little challenge, a bit like /warp rush in PR. Tho, we can’t give armor at each stage, MA cuts you of the others. Nice idea!

    3- (I didn’t help much :o) economy will be (normally) added in MG 3.0 anyways. (for buying stuff to get a small advantage) Using the plugin in PR? Well, MG loses a bit of its concept: it’s called “mini”games, so they’re not supposed to last super long. So I suggest only using the dungeon itself with the spawnpoint/home system :)

    4- lel sure πŸ˜›

    5- They’ll just hate that XD people will think that we treat them like noobs. πŸ˜› Plus, it’s boring…

    6- Looks like the Walls, without the hard time when you gotta mine everything you can before going to battle, and without the ability to build..
    Welp, it’s also like kitpvp but with the crafting. If it was the base of this idea, I don’t think someone will craft “better” than someone else, because, you take the same time to smelt or craft something, don’t you?

    I’ll start building the maze just after I finish (lol didn’t even start till now) the OITC arena, it will not take much time. Waiting for confirmation for the other ideas :)

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #91354 Score: 0


    Thanks for reading this :) … Don’t worry you helped us πŸ˜‰ . I’ll skype you so we can talk more about it :)

    #91361 Score: 0

    1 pt

    No more minigames dude i think because if u want more minigames we need at least 100 ppl in mg, the most minigame who takes all the ppl is hg which now is boring

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