MG Mod App ( Lez go! )


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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  deasertman 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #105788 Score: 0

    12 pts

    In game name: Tavon1924

    Experience: </strong I have been Playing MG for about an Year just like EC
    I know a lot of commands then I use to then before. But I will tell you I’m not good at is plugins, and WorldEdit. But the thanks to my Friends Zero and Ander, helping me down the road I have gotta say I’ve got better then I ever was Months ago. I have had like… 7 Donors in EC before yeah 7 It’s a lot. So it shows that I care for the server and not for it’s parks. At one time I just stop playing Prison and went to MG becuase at the time it needed srsly help there with Hackers, spammers, Abusers and etc. But when that ended I went right back to Prison. Becuase Players kind of Miss me. And I went right back to MG for some time then and I’m still there. I have been some what a Mod but only in Ander’s Server Not saying Ip nor Name. We was just really playing around with commands plugins and etc. And some of you guys my be like ” Oh Tav you don’t report much ” Well.. The prob of that is, if you look back into my forums topics you’ll see so many MG videos of hackers, pics of spammers and more. But now a days no one gets reported in MG so Gg.
    The whole Spanish players thing will be a pain for me becuase I barely know any at all.. So I wont be able to know what the heck half of these ppl are even saying. But hey we can’t stop em.
    One of the reasons why I did this was becuase that there are not many U.A.S Mods in MG but only like 3 and I don’t see them much ( Maybe in /v ) But knowing they are Admins they wont be out of /v becuase they are fixing stuff this is where E Mods and Trials come in keep chat cool for others. And those mods have funny timezones. Me? Myself is Homeschooled and from the U.a.s So I can get online almost anytime you skype / call me to come. ( Not trying to say that MG Mods are inactive )

    How long you’re online daily: I love this Part.
    Really? all day. Well not all day but about 4-18hours at the most.Now I’m trying to be active in other servers of EC so I can’t be everywhere at Once.
    Weekdays: 2-7 Hours
    Weekends: 7-20

    Why you want to be a Mod: Well to help others and show them how fun the Game’s can be there on there. And Report hackers, spammers, Abuser’s and even more down that Line.
    And maybe just maybe help the Mods with a few tips too 😮

    Your Promise and Commitment: You guys know I will always try my Best and it will always stay as that. I’ll always help the server even if I’m not a Mod I’m still to do my Job.

    #105791 Score: 0

    1 pt
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