Might give away my town


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  • #27955 Score: 0


    Ok guys I’m sure many of you know but I don’t really come on Ec much nor do I have the time to come on, so I’m thinking about who to give my town to. I would like to see who would be willing to take it just to have it for memories. All I ask is for the land not to be decided, sold to anyone, or moved into. If you do take the town I ask that you not sell the plots and allow any of my previous members into it. The people I would consider giving my town to would be Xavier, Azn, Nhu, Bender, and maybe a few others that I knew very well and are still active. Idk if I will give it away im just curious who would be up to have take it for memories or a museum of sorts. Please If i do give away the town, don’t alter it, I put alot of time into the builds. Thanks, Olv

    #27982 Score: 0


    Your town will be safe in hands of some of the very experienced mayors, olv. I understand if you have something busy irl. So I wish you well!

    #27987 Score: 0


    Olv! I want yo town! Lawl. Lemme have a shot at this. You know I’ve always loved your builds, but I mean, a whole TOWN of them?! That’s my thing. Olv, I would be a proud mayor if I could have your town. Please consider me in this little giveaway. The town won’t be altered, no residents removed, I would preserve it as a memorial, museum, type of thing. Consider yo friend Olvnique.


    #27997 Score: 0


    Olv my towns known at this point for claiming towns in trouble such as yours. Dude, I know its been awile but a lot has changed since you’ve come on. Aldin is the 2nd biggest town in the server in land. I have the room to claim it.

    Your friend


    #28016 Score: 0


    I’d love to claim it just thats way far from my town D: if only i could get it some how and xav has claimed lots of towns so don’t give it to him. give it to me bro. lol

    #28017 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Olvnique… You’ve known me for a long time bro, I suggest that you give it to my alt… I’ll try my best to get people more online there and restore its glory and keep it in good shape as well, and try to keep all your stuff and things in good shape so that you can come and look at it anytime you want as well…

    #28393 Score: 0


    Guys its not failing and i dont need more players, I just dont have a cracked launcher and dont wanna go get one so I’m gonna put all my money into it, so it would have over 1.2 mil in the bank. And thanks for wanting my town i will consider all of you if i choose to give it away.

    #28395 Score: 0


    if you will give it to me i would love to have it

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