

Home Forums Creative Feedback Minecarts

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Zupers 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #25686 Score: 0


    Please allow Minecarts for the creative server;just Minecarts,rails, and powered rails please. Also please make the minecarts for donors so there won’t be too much lag. I understand why you can’t, but I think it would be a good idea so ppl can test out roller coasters, just like how ppl make parkour in the creative server.

    #25719 Score: 0


    Well one thing i hate about parkour on the creative server is with beacons having affects and it affectS YOUR PLOT TOO! so parkour is easier with like jump boost and speed D:

    #25724 Score: 0


    I didn’t say anything about parkour. I ment for it to be an example as to why they should add minecarts to creative.

    #25725 Score: 0


    I know just i saw u say parkour in your thing lol. and i’m not ususally on the creative server.

    #26580 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Sorry we will not allow minecarts etc into the creative world, as somebody could use them to cause lag.

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