Minecraft Towny
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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by 15spike 10 years, 6 months ago.
I know a few things and the rest I don’t…
So if someone with all the know-how of minecraft towny were to tell me the essentials, I would really appreciate π
From creating a town to maintaining it pls π
Thnx in advance…
15spikeOk Towny Is a Kind of server that allows players to create towns and add people to it ( make the trusted ones assistants maybe Comayor )
You need 100K to make a Town
4K upkeep everyday
3K per claiming land
you create the town by /t new (name)
/town set name [name] β Change town name.
/town add [user] β Add a particular resident to your town
/town deposit [amount] β Deposit money into the town bank.
/town claim β Claim an additional town plot.
/town unclaim β Unclaim a town plot.
/town rank [add/remove] [resident-name] assistant β Add or remove the assistant rank from a resident.
/t set spawn – Sets the town spawn.
/town kick [playername] β To remove a resident from a town.These are some of the main Commands
And you need something called Blocks ( some people call it like that ) So
you can /t claim
You Gain Town Blocks by adding people, and you can get 140 Extra blocks from joining a nation
Town ranks
Mayor : Town Mayor Can do anything in the town
Comayor: Can kick / add members to town / claim town Blocks and More
assistant: can add / kick members to town / Main Job : help new residentsWhat is a nation ?
A Nation is a Group of towns Together That help each others
If the Nation emperor Trusted you you can get Nation assistant rank
Nation Ranks
Nation Emperor ( The Nation owner ) : can do anything in towns kick / add them and Promote people to Nation assistant
Nation assistant : can add towns / Set surnamesTo know More Towny commands / Server commands Please Go to : http://eternalcraft.com/player-commands/
~ExpertMod ZeeKingEpic ( EpicnessFilms )
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
Here is a guide that I made some days ago :
Towny Chat Commands
/tc [text] β Speak in town chat.
/nc [text] β Speak in nation chat.
/tc β Auto-speak in town chat.
/nc β Auto-speak in nation chat.Mayor Commands:
/towny prices β View town pricing.
/town new [name] β Creates a town with the provided name.
/town set name [name] β Change town name.
/town β Town information.
/town add [user] β Add a particular resident to your town.
/town deposit [amount] β Deposit money into the town bank.
/town claim β Claim an additional town plot.
/town unclaim β Unclaim a town plot.
/towny map β Map of the town.
/resident set mode map β Pops the map up in chat when walking between plots.
/resident set mode reset β Turn off map popping up in chat.
/town set taxes [amount] β Sets the daily tax owed by residents.
/town set perm [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off] β Set town permissions.
/town set perm [on/off] β Set overall town permissions.
/town set mayor [resident-name] β Transfer Mayor status to another player.
/town rank [add/remove] [resident-name] assistant β Add or remove the assistant rank from a resident.
/town set board [message] β This is displayed user players when they view your town details.
/town set homeblock β This moves the central home block.
/t set spawn – Sets the town spawn.
/town kick [playername] β To remove a resident from a town.Nation Commands:
/nation β Displays info on your nation.
/nation ? β Shows Nation Commands.
/nation list β Displays all the nations.
/nation online β Displays the online people in the nation.
/nation [name] β Displays information of the listed nation.
/nation leave β Causes a town to leave the nation, or to make the nation fall.
/nation deposit β Deposits money to a nation bank.
/nation new [name] β Creates a new nation with the provided name.
/nation rank add [name] [assistant/helper] β Promote a resident to assistant or helper.
/nation add [name] β Invites a town to the nation.
/nation kick [name] β Kicks a town from the nation.
/nation ally [add/remove] [name] β Adds or removes an ally nation.
/nation enemy [add/remove] β Adds or removes an enemy nation.
/nation set king [name]β Sets the king of a nation.
/nation set capital β Sets the capital of a nation.
/nation set taxes β Sets the nation tax to towns.
/nation set name [name] β Changes the nation name.
/nation set title [name] [title] β Sets a prefix to a user in nation/town chat.
/nation set surname [name] [title] β Sets a suffix to a user in nation/town chat.
/nation tag β Sets a nation chat tag.
/nation toggle neutral β Toggles nation neutrality.Resident Commands:
/resident ? β Resident help menu.
/resident list β List all residents of a town.
/resident β View your resident information.
/resident friend [add/remove] [name] β Add an online resident as your friend.
/resident friend [add+/remove+] β Add an offline resident as your friend.
/plot toggle [pvp/fire/explosion/mobs] β Toggles plot properties.
/plot set perm [friend/ally/outsider/resident] [on/off] βSets plot permissions.
/plot set perm [on/off] β Sets overall plot permissions.
/plot [forsale/notforsale] β Sets a plot on sale or not for sale.
/town β Lists the townβs info.
/town leave β Remove yourself from a town as a resident.
/towny map β Show town map.
/towny prices β View town pricing.http://eternalcraft.com/player-commands/ for all sorts of commands.
Well I won’t write anything as all the information is listed above.
Wow guys, thanks a lot π
But just 1 more question, what’s a central homeblock??
Homeblock is basicly the place where you set your t spawn
ahhh thanks
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
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