Minecraftstyle9 griefing, swearing, and spamming.


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  randomguy020 11 years ago.

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  • #60866 Score: 0


    Minecraftstyle9 has been griefing, swearing and spamming alot so far.
    He’s been spamming and capsing in chat, most people who were on can attest to that.

    Also, he swore at me in /msg and spammed me until i did /ignore:

    In the town of Aurora, I was minding my own buisness on my account CastleCrusher where I am an assistant. Then he starts talking like “WTF happened to my plot?” So I go there and check, there’s lava everywhere. I /lb t around, and apparently HE placed the lava right next to the plot next to it:
    (Note: I did this with paint so it’s not very good :P)

    After that, he made sad faces in towny chat and tried to deny it, but it was a bit obvious that he knew who did it…

    Then he joined LaRogueLand, where I also have an account called RandomPerson020 <—super creative name 😛
    After a day, I check on his plot and there’s water flowing all over, into other people’s plots….

    This report may be a bit hard to understand, but I hope you guys do :)
    Let’s get this guy punished for everything he has dodged…
    He was muted for 1 hour, but after that was when he spammed/swore at me…

    Thanks for reading this super unorganized report 😀

    #60867 Score: 0


    I saw this guy spamming he said he’s leaving the server so we all said cya and he came back lol

    #60874 Score: 0

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