Minigames Application


Home Forums Minigames Minigames Mod Applications [Closed] Minigames Application


This topic contains 15 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #100162 Score: 0

    13 pts

    In-Game Name: Waveware, Oceanware, Truant

    I have many experiences in moderating, building, and probably almost every aspects in Minecraft. I dedicated myself to master the techniques and mechanics in Minecraft and all of its updates. I have joined the community of EternalCracked(Craft) about 2 and a half years, and in general have played Minecraft since 1.0 came out. In KitPvp, I have killed roughly 1200 players, so I guess that’s proof that I am quite active in the server.

    How long are you online daily:
    ACDT Timezone
    I play mostly after 5pm and stop playing at 10pm.
    -1-4 hours in weekdays
    -2-6 hours in weekends

    Why do you want to be a Mod:
    I am special in every single way. If I’m not special in that way, I’ll be special in it overnight. What motivates me to become a moderator in Minigames is that I can manage my time to become online in both Factions and Minigames, also I try to balance my time between them. Although, we all know that I’m not good at managing time to do my homework. Well I wouldn’t consider that a part of time-management because I prioritize things with my own opinions. The lack of active moderators in Minigames are also one of the things that encourages me to become one. I also have many ways to detect a hacker, ask Yaseen. Recently, I have found Minigames quite addicting (when it’s not laggy).

    Your Promise and Commitment:
    No promises, I’m not even going to sugar coat it with lies and things like that. Although, I will do the best I can to complete any task given to me and try to improve myself just so that I can progress on that task to come close to completing.

    Addition Information:
    If you think I’m cocky, that’s not true. I am that good (JOKES).

    If you have a vote [up/down] please state why you do so, so I can improve in those area if it is a vote down or I can keep up with what you voted up for.

    #100168 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Vote Up

    You and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, but I’ll give you a fair vote

    1. Friendly

    2. Active

    3. Experienced

    4. Active in forums

    5. Active and experienced as a factions administrator

    6. Friendly

    7. Never seen “report on wave”

    8. Fisha fisha

    9. I’ve seen you online a lot

    10. Also experienced as a survival as a chat mod

    11. I knew you were making this, I’m a stalker >:3

    12. Humorous

    13. Breathes underwater

    14. AND on land!

    14. Respects people

    15. Officially awesome

    16. Never seen you get banned

    17. Or warned

    18. Or kicked

    19. Or jailed

    20. Or muted

    21. Or abuse as a factions mod

    22. Does his job correctly on factions

    23. Doesn’t rage when he dies from hackers

    24. Oh, finally a negative D:

    25. Don’t see you report a lot

    26. However

    27. You

    28. Might

    29. Report

    30. Via

    31. Skype

    32. To

    33. The

    34. Police

    35. Running out of ideas

    36. Bye

    37. Good

    38. Luck

    39. Fishy

    40. Fish

    #100169 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Vote up

    What the other dude said.

    #100183 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Unnecessary ‘reasons’ listed by Ander.
    My only reason is that you do your job when need be.
    My vote is up…

    #100185 Score: 0


    vote up cause we tight bruh

    #100186 Score: 0


    +Active both on forums and in game
    +Experienced as a moderator
    +Good English
    +Never heard something bad about you,clean profile.
    +Somewhat friendly

    However,I would also like to state the cons
    -Never saw you helping in Minigames[I’m pretty sure in case of reports,you would forward it on skype)

    Overall,It’s a VOTE UP from my side

    #100187 Score: 0

    -5 pt

    Vote Up All Reasons Stated Above ^

    #100190 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Ok vote Up
    All reason stated above except but, i only saw you 1 time at mg

    #100206 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote up.

    But one thing is that you need to get more active in game. 😉

    #100510 Score: 0


    Vote Up!
    Even though I haven’t seen this guy in the minigames server, he seems experienced enough to be a MG Mod. He has been in the server for 2 1/2 years so I think, he is already trusted by lotsa’ players. He is also a good guy. I’ve seen you in the Survival Server!
    GOOD LUCk!!


    #100518 Score: 0


    Vote UP
    -All reasons stated above

    #101305 Score: 0


    Vote UP
    -all reasons are always stated above ^

    #101345 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Vote up

    Dude u facs mod so get out jk jk jk

    U are very experienced like headmid in facs and all and other reaskns stated above :) good luck

    #101347 Score: 0


    Vote Up

    -Don’t see you at mg often(or maybe it’s just me)
    +Have the knowledge of a mod
    +Friendly :3


    Good Luck Wave !


    #102742 Score: 0



    Positives: Experienced, active on-forums, friendly, never seen you disrespecting etc..

    Negatives: Might be the timezone, but get more active I rarely see you there. I don’t know you much, but from what I can see is that you’re up to the job.

    Good-Luck :)

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