mob arena


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report mob arena

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #18787 Score: 0


    maybe the mob arena can change like adding more classes and every 10 wave spawn a new boss like cave spider wave 10 wither wave 20 ender dragon wave 30 wither wave 40 the one who survival longer will we need more people so i recomond having a minecraft Tf2 and have all classes Fun?

    #18803 Score: 0



    1. Please stop spamming threads on the forum’s

    2. The Mob arena classes Archer+Chemist were removed i believe because thay advantaged the player too much and Mob arena matches were lasting for a VERY long time

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