It’s a good idea, especially for people who want to get more money from MA: 2 players team, one is the healer, the second one is knight/tank/archer; this last one gets more money and they invert for the round after.
For the equipment I suggest some changes:
-Speed I
-Jump boost I
-Stone sword knockback I
-Iron chestplate pro I
-5 splash health II potions
-15 splash health regen potions
-2 speed II potions
With this equipment, a healer will be obliged to always stay under the protection of other players past wave 8. The jump boost and the speed helps him escaping from mobs (and that won’t work for very long) and the speed II is to help players in difficulty in the arena (or eventually run away but that’d be pretty dumb to use the speed II for that). What do you think?
~Drumming Dice {DD}
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