Mob limit per chunk born pleas read


Home Forums Survival General discussion Mob limit per chunk born pleas read

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ADCKnight 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #23871 Score: 0


    I understand you made it so people can no longer afk at xp farms bec of lag problems


    but if you cant afk whats the point


    there has to be some way to lower lag without messing with the mobs per chunk i no this isnt just me thinking this this will also effect the economy there will be less enchanted items on the market


    idk about everyone els but i didnt get much lag befor this was done


    so pleas born pleas reconsider this there has to be some other way

    #23873 Score: 0


    btw this will also hard repairing you need xp to repair things

    #23883 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Likely there’s actually been an increase of enchanted items lately, since my shop sells them so cheap, grinding XP isn’t the way to get enchanted gear and hasn’t been for months, villagers are.

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