MobArena changes I want!


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Aidansillyfish 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23166 Score: 0


    MobArena is too hard! Here are my suggestions!


    Waves just come like crazy! Why don’t you add that you kill all the mobs in the wave and then the next wave will come!

    Wolves are an easy target.Remove the wolves because they don’t kill in MA. At all!

    Classes are just coming off lame…

    You should add more classes or just bring back the old ones!

    #23173 Score: 0


    Correction Toni303.

    The wolves do attack you. When one player attacks, the rest come, like a swarm. Please be more experienced before posting these, try some new things out. Also, the power of having the next wave come after killing all the mobs can be easily abused. For example, you are in the stadium with just one wolf (not harming) left. You can literally just stand there, doing nothing. That stops Mob Arena completely. Having instant waves makes it more challenging, and makes it more convenient.

    #23175 Score: 0


    It will be better if they return the old Mob Arena back, so we can have two of them!

    #23178 Score: 0

    TheDayWalker On Mc

    Or one of the EC members build a new one?


    #23179 Score: 0


    I doubt they want one, but I am certainly willing to build one.

    #23180 Score: 0


    borncorp can you allow some Member players to bulid a MobArena?They must send some pictures with buildings they have built and you decide who will build a new MobArena

    #23181 Score: 0


    Since we’re talking about MA changes, does anyone remember how we had signs that displayed the damage taken, damage output, kills, etc of each players? This was before the current arena. MA was so much more fun back then with scoreboards. Don’t know why it was removed =/

    I agree toni, new classes need to be added back in. Why the heck was archer and chemist removed? Loved those classes.

    #23182 Score: 0


    admins and mods maybe removed them because they are long-ranged shooters

    #23183 Score: 0


    And by the way, they added a scoreboard in MA.

    It shows you the wave you are on and how many mobs have you killed.

    #23195 Score: 0


    Yeahes right. Wolves do nothing to you 😛

    #23224 Score: 0


    To say the least, when chemist was there, it was awesome I must admit, but it made the boss WAY to underpowered for a boss. I liked the old MA where they gave money for passing certain rounds and chemist and archer would be great if re-added, yet it may be better off without it lots of ppl liked it and I was one of them. I have ideas yet only if wanted I will post said ideas. That is all I have to say.

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