Mod Aplication.


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #24857 Score: 0


    Hello,my name is WhYY_v8 and this is my MOD aplication.I don’t have sooo many experience at plugins :( but I know many things in minecraft 😀
    I respect everyone’s opinion but I know see in many cases what is right and what is wrong.I’m online now 1-4,5 hours at day,but of course with breaks =P. I think you should choose me as MOD because I’ve been moderator before (I’ve follow the rules and been nice to everybody) but only left because they changed server.I am friendly, tall, handsome xD and my language is Portuguese but I know talk english LOL
    Well, I hope u’ve liked it. (Sry if I said bad some words :P)

    #25029 Score: 0


    Plss vote up *.*

    #25033 Score: 0


    Sorry, but in my opinion, I vote down. Well, first you need experience with some plugins. You haven’t even stated your experience in Minecraft and on servers. Your reason why you should be moderator doesn’t support much. You should have stated what server you were moderator on. That way, anyone can ask if you were moderator. Sorry, but it is a vote down. :(


    #25038 Score: 0


    I was not very explicit about that. When I made this thread, I was soon to see my mistakes like this. Now I know almost all plugins,you don’t need to vote down for having votes up in your Mod aplication -.- so plss put vote up =P.
    oh, and nice pikachu *.*


    #25069 Score: 0


    Whyy, even though I voted down for you, it doesn’t mean that there is a reason to vote down for me. If you become a moderator, you could lose it very quick if you try getting revenge. I have alot of experience with plugins and I spend the time I have on this server. Even though I voted down and you are upset, that doesn’t mean to “fight back”. To be honest, I guess you didn’t even read my moderator application because I stated all the things you said I didnt have or do. If a moderator see’s that you seek revenge at times, it wouldn’t help your chances at being moderator. As I say again, I am very upset for the reason you voted me down. If you can edit you mod application so it provides the neccesities of being voted up, I will change my vote. In the meantine, I say you should say what you REALLY thought of my mod application.

    (P.S. I’ve never seen you on this server)

    #117966 Score: 0



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