Mod app


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Mod app

This topic contains 9 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89255 Score: 0


    Experience: I’ve been playing minecraft and eternalcracked for three years and the middle of the first year of me playing minecraft i found eternalcracked i been playing for days and days after 3 years i build houses on creative and survival just building and building the new prison came out on eternalcracked that’s when prison is the best in my opinion now i play it for days and days How Often you are Online: i come on for 5-6 hours a day unless its school days then i play about 2-3 hours i play i love eternalcracked so much that i know every command in the server even worldedit but i can’t use it because i’m not mod yet/trail mod
    Why you want to become mod: I want to help people i can careless for fame when i’m a trail mod or a mod because i do not want fame i want people to get along i do not want make enemy’s i want to make friends for other people because i’m friends with one 2 admins and alot of mods so i want to make peace in eternalcracked

    #89260 Score: 0

    41 pts

    My only real knowledge of you is when you were saying stuff like “/ci gives you diamonds” the other day, when a mod was on.
    Based on that, I’m going to vote down.

    #89261 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Please don’t make 2 mod app right after eachother. If you want to have your post edited, contact a moderator, but don’t spam the forums.

    #89262 Score: 0


    Im gonna vote middle

    +I’ve seen him helping someone with comands on survival once

    -Not active on forms (but i know your trying now )

    #89277 Score: 0


    I’m gonna cast my vote here, as well as the FIRST one you made not even an hour ago
    -Reasons from first mod app

    #89281 Score: 0

    14 pts

    He made 2 mod apps because the first one didn’t follow the template…

    #89282 Score: 0


    i actually am sorry for making jokes about /ci if anyone lost there stuff i will pay money in game to replace it

    #89284 Score: 0


    As with what wither said, if you cannot follow instructions then you can’t be a mod.

    #89296 Score: 0

    20 pts


    #90691 Score: 0


    Vote Middle-Down

    – Okay, first of all you don’t report on the forums of What I’ve seen.
    – I’ve seen your attitude and character it’s really respectful and kind.
    – You don’t help much
    – Inactive on the forums
    – Active in-game probably 1hour a day
    – Okay I voted down Because I know that you’re still new to Prison.. If you get to know all about commands, books etc. Also more active on The forums and helping more then I beleive your ready.

    • No hard feeligs Good Luck though :)

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