Mod app for AlkanMc32


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Mod app for AlkanMc32

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  FuriousKnight 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #78955 Score: 0


    In-game names used: AlkanMc32
    Experience: I’ve been a mod on many server I own a server and am a admin on several,I have been learning lots of crafting recipes (Of course I do know all of them) I’m still learning how redstone works but i’m average on working with redstone. I’m a really good builder I built lots of things i also built a server spawn with my build crew.I’ve been playing Minecraft for over 2 years I started out with looking at my brother play MC he told me what happens but he also told me not to play it but then i got older then he said i could play,When i started i didn’t know the controls.I joined The MineCraft community on version 1.8 beta. i found this server when it was only at 1.5 (Early stages of minigames ).I know Lots of commands of being a mod.
    The Server you are applying for: I’m am applying for the prison server
    How Often you are Online: Im online for about 7 hours on the weekends on the weekdays im on for about 4 hours
    Why you want to become mod: I want to become a mod because there arn’t many mods or staff in prison i can help out the newbies around the server i will also get many people to join because it is getting lower and lower in there and it will be my job to help around the server i will also warn people that are being rude.I also think im ready for being a mod.

    #79264 Score: 0

    I’m gonna have to vote middle.

    First off, you’re inactive as heck. Never see you at all, ever. And don’t gimme dat “timezones” BS. I’m pretty sure nobody here sees you alot.

    Second of all, I’ve never seen you helping people in those few minutes I see you. You don’t reporting stuff too.

    You’re not ready personality-wise. You’re so shy, and I never see you speaking in the general chat.

    Forums, forums, forums. You’re never on them. Being active on the forums is one of the most important things to do if you wanna be a moderator.

    “…Of course I do know all of them…” Hell yeah, braggin is for gangstas homie

    Irrelevant stuff in your application, very not good, very not can’t unacceptable.

    “I also think im ready for being a mod.” This disgusts me.

    #84574 Score: 0


    Well Damn How old is this app…

    Im gonna have to vote down.


    -Haven’t seen you help

    -Never seen reports from you

    -“I have been learning lots of crafting recipes (Of course I do know all of them) ” So does this mean you almost know all of them, or you don’t? I’M Confused Here.

    This Concludes My vote.

    #86839 Score: 0


    The in-game name you wrote in your mod app is not registered at Prison.
    gofoufi inactive. Denied

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